On Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 11:35:54AM -0600, Al Hopper wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, SteveW wrote:
> ... reformatted ...
> > The ability to shrink a pool by removing devices is the only reason my
> > enterprise is not yet using ZFS, simply because it prevents us from
> > easily migrating storage.
> That logic is totally bogus AFAIC.  There are so many advantages to
> running ZFS that denying yourself that opportunity is very short sighted -
> especially when there are lots of ways of working around this minor
> feature deficiency.

The other point is, how many other volume management systems allow you to remove
disks?  I bet if the answer is not zero, it's not large.  ;)

"The reason I don't use Gnome: every single other window manager I know of is
very powerfully extensible, where you can switch actions to different mouse
buttons. Guess which one is not, because it might confuse the poor users?
Here's a hint: it's not the small and fast one."        --Linus
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