
Filter drivers in NTFS are very clever. I was once toying with using it to put 
unix-style symbolic links in Windows.

In this case, I think that such a clever idea wasn't thought through. Anyone 
and everyone can add such an layer to the file operation stack. The worst part 
is that you can't be sure where in the filter stack you will be put, so you're 
at the mercy of the other filter drivers. For example, any filter driver can 
trap for something and not pass it down the stack.

This one feature is usually how virus scanners hook into the file operation 
stack and is one of the reasons that the whole machine slows down to a crawl 
when one of these animals are installed.

In the Linux/BSD world the alternative is the user file system (FUSE). There is 
already ongoing work to bring this to OpenSolaris and I can't wait. It can do 
almost everything a filter driver can with much less overhead. It also brings a 
huge array of other filesystems into the hands of Solaris Users.

My 2cents.

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