Hi Brian,

To my understanding the X2100 M2 and X2200 M2 are basically the same
board OEM'd from Quanta...except the 2200 M2 has two sockets.

As to ZFS and their weirdness, it would seem to me that fixing it
would be more an issue of the SATA/SCSI driver. I may be wrong here.


On 3/12/07, Brian Hechinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
After the interesting revelations about the X2100 and it's hot-swap abilities,
what are the abilities of the X2200-M2's disk subsystem, and is ZFS going to
tickle any wierdness out of them?

"The reason I don't use Gnome: every single other window manager I know of is
very powerfully extensible, where you can switch actions to different mouse
buttons. Guess which one is not, because it might confuse the poor users?
Here's a hint: it's not the small and fast one."        --Linus
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