A little background...  Awhile back, a FreeBSD server (running 7 domains) I
had running for 3 years (without reboot) got hacked into over Christmas
break.  They wiped everything, including most of the logs.  I was able to
determine that they got in from one of the user accounts.  As you could
probably tell, no reboot also means being a bit behind on the security
patches as well...

Anyways, so the plan with the new server is keeping each domain completely
isolated.  The plan is a base Solaris install, ZFS on the data drives
(utilizing regular snapshots to rollback incase of being hacked), and
running each domain as a Xen domU.  In order to ensure that each OS gets the
benefits of ZFS, I plan on sharing (NFS with ACL) a directory for each OS,
and then letting the domUs do NFS-based install (still local machine).

Ideally, the entire OS would be running on ZFS so that I can maintain a
minimum amount of downtime with any problems as well as keep administration
time to a minimum. IE: regular snapshots, self-healing, etc...  However,
from what I understand, the dump device can't be on ZFS (I think that is the
only one at this point, right?).  As such, I was looking at doing a mirrored
root for the OS and then ZFS for the data... but, looking online, it seems
that not only is this not the most convenient install, but somewhat
problematic when issues arise... On top of that, I loose the ability to do
the snapshots (etc) for the OS.

I would like some opinions on how best to do this. I am planning on building
this machine this week.  Here's a basic list of what I am working with:
Asus L1N64-SLI
dual AMD FX-70
4GB memory
2x Addonics AE5RCS35NSA (to assist with downtime)
7x Hitachi Deskstar T7K500 250GB (SATA II)

The plan had been 2x hitachi for the mirrored root and 5x for raidz2
(planning on expanding as space is needed)

I am always busy, so minimal maintenance is priority, with easy (n00b to
Solaris administration) install being secondary.

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