Regrettably, LiveUpgrade is basically clueless when it
comes to zfs right now.  It doesn't understand the
concepts of pools and datasets (and how they differ
from file systems on slices) at all.  That code hasn't
been implemented yet.  It's something we're working on.
So for now, LU won't be of much use to you.  But I
hope that we'll be able to supply some experimental
tools to you at some point that will let you start
playing with the ways that zfs snapshots and clones
will eventually make LU (or something like it) a
much easier way to manage BEs.


Ivan Wang wrote:
HI all,

Recently zfs boot is delivered in scheduled b62, so is there any words when and how may we use live upgrade with zfs root? Since I only use SXCR now and sometimes you just need to boot to older BE in case of a no-so-good build, live upgrade becomes very handy for me on that.
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