
> Now that zfsboot is becoming available, I'm wondering how to put it to
> use. Imagine a system with 4 identical disks. Of course I'd like to use

you lucky one :).

> raidz, but zfsboot doesn't do raidz. What if I were to partition the
> drives, such that I have 4 small partitions that make up a zfsboot
> partition (4 way mirror), and the remainder of each drive becomes part
> of a raidz?

Sounds good. Performance will suffer a bit, as ZFS thinks it has two pools
with 4 spindels each, but it should still perform better than the same on
a UFS basis.

You may also want to have two 2-way mirrors and keep the second for other
purposes such as a scratch space for zfs migration or as spare disks for
other stuff.

> Do I still have the advantages of having the whole disk
> 'owned' by zfs, even though it's split into two parts?

I'm pretty sure that this is not the case:

- ZFS has no guarantee that someone will do something else with that other
  partition, so it can't assume the right to turn on disk cache for the whole

- Yes, it could be smart and realize that it does have the whole disk, only
  split up across two pools, but then I assume that this is not your typical
  enterprise class configuration and so it probably didn't get implemented
  that way.

I'd say that not being able to benefit from the disk drive's cache is not
as bad in the face of ZFS' other advantages, so you can probably live with

> Swap would probably have to go on a zvol - would that be best placed on
> the n-way mirror, or on the raidz?

I'd place it onto the mirror for performance reasons. Also, it feels cleaner
to have all your OS stuff on one pool and all your user/app/data stuff on
another. This is also recommended by the ZFS Best Practices Wiki on

Now back to the 4 disk RAID-Z: Does it have to be RAID-Z? Maybe you might want
to reconsider using 2 2-way mirrors:

- RAID-Z is slow when writing, you basically get only one disk's bandwidth.
  (Yes, with variable block sizes this might be slightly better...)

- RAID-Z is _very_ slow when one disk is broken.

- Using mirrors is more convenient for growing the pool: You run out of space,
  you add two disks, and get better performance too. No need to buy 4 extra
  disks for another RAID-Z set.

- When using disks, you need to consider availability, performance and space.
  Of all the three, space is the cheapest. Therefore it's best to sacrifice
  space and you'll get better availability and better performance.

Hope this helps,

Constantin Gonzalez                            Sun Microsystems GmbH, Germany
Platform Technology Group, Global Systems Engineering      http://www.sun.de/
Tel.: +49 89/4 60 08-25 91                   http://blogs.sun.com/constantin/

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