
I've now gone through both the opensolaris instructions:


and Tim Foster's script:


for making my laptop ZFS bootable.

Both work well and here's a big THANK YOU to the ZFS boot team!

There seem to be 3 smaller glitches with these approaches:

1. The instructions on opensolaris.org assume that one wants console output
   to show up in /dev/tty. This may be true for a server, but it isn't for a
   laptop or workstation user. Therefore, I suggest someone explains them to be
   optional as not everybody knows that these can be left out.

2. After going through the zfs-bootification, Solaris complains on reboot that
   /etc/dfs/sharetab is missing. Somehow this seems to have been fallen through
   the cracks of the find command. Well, touching /etc/dfs/sharetab just fixes
   the issue.

3. But here's a more serious one: While booting, Solaris complains:

   Apr 19 15:00:37 foeni kcf: [ID 415456 kern.warning] WARNING: No randomness
   provider enabled for /dev/random. Use cryptoadm(1M) to enable a provider.

   Somehow, /dev/random and/or it's counterpart in /devices seems to have
   suffered from the migration procedure.

Does anybody know how to fix the /dev/random issue? I'm not very fluent in
cryptoadm(1M) and some superficial reading of it's manpage did not enlighten
me too much (cryptoadm list -p claims all is well...).

Best regards and again, congratulations to the ZFS boot team!


Constantin Gonzalez                            Sun Microsystems GmbH, Germany
Platform Technology Group, Global Systems Engineering      http://www.sun.de/
Tel.: +49 89/4 60 08-25 91                   http://blogs.sun.com/constantin/

Sitz d. Ges.: Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1, 85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Marcel Schneider, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering
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