Did some googling, I guess the culprit is the bootpath in /boot/ 

setprop bootpath '/[EMAIL PROTECTED],0/pci1000,[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL 

I have to touch /reconfigure and reboot. I hope it works.

On 08/10/2007, at 7:26 AM, Kugutsumen wrote:

> Hi,
> Given two disk c1t0d0 (DISK A) and c1t1d0 (DISK B)...
> 1/ Standard install on DISK A.
> 2/ zfs boot install on DISK B.
> 3/ I change the boot order and my zfs boot works fine.
> 4/ I install grub on the mbr of DISK B
> 5/ I disconnect and replace DISK A with DISK B
> 6/ Reboot, get the grub menu select Solaris ZFS and it panics that  
> it cannot mount root path @ device XXX...
> This is not a ZFS specific issue since even the UFS install will  
> fail to boot if I don't put back the disks in the exact order they  
> were in during the initial install.
> What am I missing?

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