Hi Bill,

You've got it 99%. I want to roll E back to say B, and keep G intact.
I really don't care about C, D or F. Essentially, B is where I want to
roll back to, but in case B's data copy doesn't improve what I'm
trying to fix I want to have copy of G's data around so I can go back
to how it.

My order of operations would be something like this:

1.)  Snapshot filesystem to preserve current state (snapshot F).
2.)  Create clone of F (clone G).
3.)  Roll the filesystem back to snapshot B.
4.)  Maintain clone G data even though filesystem is at B.

My concerns are:

1.) If I rollback to B after creating the clone, it will erase F and
thereby the dependent clone G.
2.) If I promote the clone G, G will be the active filesystem data
copy, when I want B to be the active data copy, I just want to keep G

I apologize that this is coming out so confusingly. Please let me know
if this is clear at all.

I guess in a simple way, you could say I'd like to be able to rollback
to any particular snapshot without having to lose any newer snapshot.
Thereby giving the ability to roll-forward and backward.

Thank you in advance very much!

Best Regards,

On 10/18/07, Bill Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I may not be understanding your usage case correctly, so bear with me.
> Here is what I understand your request to be.  Time is increasing from
> left to right.
>     A -- B -- C -- D -- E
>          \
>           ----- F -- G
> Where E and G are writable filesystems and the others are snapshots.
> I think you're saying that you want to, for example, keep G and roll E
> back to A, keeping A, B, F, and G.
> If that's correct, I think you can just clone A (getting H), promote H,
> then delete C, D, and E.  That would leave you with:
>     A -- H
>     \
>      -- B -- F -- G
> Is that anything at all like what you're after?
> --Bill
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 10:00:03PM -0600, Jason J. W. Williams wrote:
> > Hey Guys,
> >
> > Its not possible yet to fracture a snapshot or clone into a
> > self-standing filesystem is it? Basically, I'd like to fracture a
> > snapshot/clone into is own FS so I can rollback past that snapshot in
> > the original filesystem and still keep that data.
> >
> > Thank you in advance.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Jason
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