> I'm using raidz2 across 8 drives, but if I had it to do again, I'd
> probably just use mirroring.  Unfortunately, raidz2 kills your random
> read and write performance, and that makes Time Machine really, really
> slow.  I'm running low on space now, and considering throwing another
> 8 drives into the case in the spring, if I can find a cheap 8-port
> PCI-E SATA CARD.  When that happens, I'll probably try to convert
> everything to mirroring.

Not sure how you have those 8 drives configured, but if you haven't  
already then you should take a look at:

If you could do it over again, then you would get better performance  
by having more top level vdevs.  So instead of a single 6+2 raidz2  
top level vdev, you could have (assuming two more disks), 2 3+2  
raidz2 vdevs.

Depends on what is important to you.


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