Nope, doesn't work.

Try presenting one of those lun snapshots to your host, run cfgadm -al, then run zpool import.

#zpool import
no pools available to import

It would make my life so much simpler if you could do something like this: zpool import --import-as yourpool.backup yourpool

Tim wrote:
On 1/31/08, *Hector De Jesus* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hello SUN gurus I do not know if this is supported, I have a
    created a zpool consisting of the SAN resources and created a zfs
    file system.  Using third part software I have taken snapshots of
    all luns in the zfs pool.  My question is in a recovery situation
    is there a way for me to mount the snapshots and import the pool
    while the original is still active.  Right now all I am able to do
    is export the original than I can  import the snapshots and access
    the zpool and filesystem.  Im looking at a no downtime solution
    can this be done ?

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Interesting thought. I guess what you'd have to have is an import flag that allows you to "import as". So you could:

zpool import --import-as yourpool.backup yourpool

I definitely see why you'd want to do it.  I haven't a clue if you can :)


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