Kyle McDonald wrote:
> Nicolas Williams wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 12:31:09PM -0600, Chris Kirby wrote:
>>> The shells don't actually have to care:
>>> $ cd /tmp
>>> $ touch f1
>>> $ runat f1 sh
>> I know that works.  But why start a new process when the shell could
>> have a built-in (or mod to the cd built-in) that can do this?
> How was it MVFS could do this without any changes to the shells or any 
> other programs?
> I ClearCase could  'grep FOO /dir1/dir2/file@@/main/*' to see which 
> version of 'file' added FOO.
> (I think @@ was the special hidden key. It might have been something 
> else though.)
> The shells accessed that path just like any other. 'ls' didn't show 
> them, but if you accessed them they were there.
>       -Kyle

Via interposers, most likely.
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