Hi All,

I wonder if this is something that needs to be looked into further, or a quirk 
in my configuration or something. I have an Opensolaris 2008.05 box which I 
have configured as a CIFS member server in a Windows 2003 AD. CIFS is running 
in domain mode, Windows/Linux/MacOS clients can authenticate with domain 
credentials just fine to access the ZFS+CIFS share I have created. 

I have a user however who is accessing the share from a Mac running OS 10.5.2 
Intel. The file sizes of existing & copied files as reported in his Finder are 
hugely inflated over what users on WinXP,  Ubuntu Linux, and as on the actual 
server are. For example, a file of actual size ~ 80MB in the share appears as 
something like 20GB in his Finder. This behaviour is the same for files which 
he copies over, or existing files which he views. 

Interestingly on one occasion after a period of some 20 minutes, the file sizes 
in his Finder "settled" to the correct actual size.

I wonder if anyone can give me any pointers for what is going on here, if 
anyone needs me to run tests or further details happy to provide them. I can 
take some screen grabs and host somewhere as well. 

Some info on my configuration is here: 

which is mostly a gathering of other folks' blogs as I learn how to do this.

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