On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 16:21:26 +0100
"Peter Tribble" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The *real* common thread is that you need ridiculous amounts
> of memory to get decent performance out of ZFS

That's FUD. Older systems might not have enough memory, but newer ones
can't hardly be bought with less then 2Gb. Read the specs before you
write such nonsense about "ridiculous" memory amounts.

> bulk of the installed base of machines accessed by users is still
> in the 512M-1G range

True, buth those systems don't qualify for Vista nor for OpenSolaris,
nor for a good ZFS based system. That's normal. Those machines are old.
Not too old for ancient filesystems and lightweight desktops, but the
-are- too old for modern software.

Dick Hoogendijk -- PGP/GnuPG key: 01D2433D
++ http://nagual.nl/ + SunOS sxce snv90 ++
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