On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 5:33 PM, Sean Cochrane - Storage Architect
> I need to find out what is the largest ZFS file system - in numbers of
> files, NOT CAPACITY that has been tested.
> Looking to scale to billions of files and would like to know if anyone has
> tested anything close and what the performance ramifications are.
> Has anyone tested a ZFS file system with at least 100 million + files?

I've got a thumper with a pool that has over a hundred million files. I think
the most in a single filesystem is currently just under 30 million (we've got
plenty of those). It just works, although it's going to get a lot bigger before
we're done.

> What were the performance characteristics?

Not brilliant...

Although I suspect raid-z isn't exactly the ideal choice. Still, performance
generally is adequate for our needs, although backup performance isn't.

(The backup problem is the real stumbling block. And backup is an area ripe
for disruptive innovation.)

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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