Server: T5120 on 10 U5
Storage: Internal 8 drives on SAS HW RAID (R5)
Oracle: ZFS fs, recordsize=8K and atime=off
Tape: LTO-4 (half height) on SAS interface.

Dumping a large file from memory using tar to LTO yields 44 MB/s ... I suspect 
the CPU cannot push more since it's a single thread doing all the work.

Dumping oracle db files from filesystem yields ~ 25 MB/s. The interesting bit 
(apart from it being a rather slow speed) is the fact that the speed fluctuates 
from the disk area.. but stays constant to the tape. I see up to 50-60 MB/s 
spikes over 5 seconds, while the tape continues to push it's steady 25 MB/s.

There has been NO tuning .. above is absolutely standard.

Where should I investigate to increase throughput ...
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