Next "stable" (as in fedora or ubuntu releases) opensolaris version
will be 2008.11.

In my case I found 2008.05 is simply unusable (my
main interest is xen/xvm), but upgrading to the latest available build
with OS's pkg, (similar to apt-get) fixed the problem.

If you
installed the original OS 2008.05, upgrading is somewhat harder
because it requires some additional steps (see OS website for
details). Once you're running current build, upgrading is just a
simple command.

In OS, when you upgrade, you get to keep you old
version as well, so you can easily rollback if something went wrong.

On 10/1/08, BJ Quinn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> True, but a search for zfs "segmentation fault" returns 500 bugs.  It's
> possible one of those is related to my issue, but it would take all day to
> find out.  If it's not "flaky" or "unstable", I'd like to try upgrading to
> the newest kernel first, unless my Linux mindset is truly out of place here,
> or if it's not relatively easy to do.  Are these kernels truly considered
> stable?  How would I upgrade?
> --
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