Tim <tim <at> tcsac.net> writes:
> That's because the faster SATA drives cost just as much money as
> their SAS counterparts for less performance and none of the
> advantages SAS brings such as dual ports.

SAS drives are far from always being the best choice, because absolute IOPS or 
throughput numbers do not matter. What only matters in the end is (TB, 
throughput, or IOPS) per (dollar, Watt, or Rack Unit).

7500rpm (SATA) drives clearly provide the best TB/$, throughput/$, and IOPS/$. 
You can't argue against that. To paraphrase what was said earlier in this 
thread, to get the best IOPS out of $1000, spend your money on 10 7500rpm 
(SATA) drives instead of 3 or 4 15000rpm (SAS) drives. Similarly, for the best 
IOPS/RU, 15000rpm drives have the advantage. Etc.


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