On Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 01:13:40AM -0700, Ross wrote:
> It's also worth bearing in mind that you can have multiple mirrors.  I don't 
> know what effect that will have on the performance, but it's an easy way to 
> boost the reliability even further.  I think this idea configured on a set of 
> 2-3 servers, with separate UPS' for each, and a script that can export the 
> pool and save the ramdrive when the power fails, is potentially a very neat 
> little system.

The more slog devices, the better. :)

If the host using the slogs could trigger the shutdown, that would be even
better I think.  Once we know the zpool is exported, the slogs have just
entered a nicely consistent state at which point the copies could be made.

Also, it would also be nice if the host using these slogs would be able to
wait until enough of them are online to attempt to mount its pool.  That
shouldn't be too hard, nothing more than some startup script modifications.

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