>Do you have an active interface on the OpenSolaris box that is configured for 
>> right now?  

Not anymore:

>By default, since you haven't configured the tpgt on the iscsi target, solaris 
>will >broadcast all active interfaces in its SendTargets response. On the ESX 
>side, >ESX will attempt to log into all addresses in that SendTargets 
>response, even >though you may only put 1 address in the sw initiator config.

THis made a lot of sense and I was flirting with the TPGT idea and this 
motivated me to try it.

>If that is the case, you have a few options

>a) disable that bogus interface: 
it was a physical interface that has been removed

>b) fully configure it and and also create a vmkernel interface that can 
>connect to it

disable and removed.

>c) configure a tpgt mask on the iscsi target (iscsitadm create tpgt) to 
>only use the valid address

Configured... see information below:

>Also, I never see target 40 log into anything...is that still a valid 
>target number?
>You may want to delete everything in /var/lib/iscsi and reboot the host. 
>The vmkbinding and vmkdiscovery files will be rebuilt and it will start 
>over with target 0. Sometimes, things get a bit crufty

Deleted /var/lib/iscsi contents

Now for more information: 

This is the result of what I have tried new:

I removed all extra interfaces from both the ESX host and the Solaris ISCSI 

ESX is now configured with a single interface:

Virtual Switch: vSwitch0
Server: Poweredge 850 
Service Console         IP:

==== VMNIC 0 1000 FULL

ISCSI target server
Poweredge 1900
Broadcomm Gigabit TOE interface BXN0:

Steps below:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 
index 1
        inet netmask ff000000
bnx0: flags=201000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,CoS> mtu 1500 index 2
        inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
        ether 0:1e:c9:d5:75:d2
lo0: flags=2002000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv6,VIRTUAL> mtu 8252 
index 1
        inet6 ::1/128

[EMAIL PROTECTED] log]# ifconfig -a
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:21265 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:21265 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:11963350 (11.4 Mb)  TX bytes:11963350 (11.4 Mb)

vmnic0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:19:B9:F7:ED:DD
          RX packets:212272 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:3354 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:16606213 (15.8 Mb)  TX bytes:2131622 (2.0 Mb)

vswif0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:56:40:0D:17
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:2027 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:3336 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:495940 (484.3 Kb)  TX bytes:2123882 (2.0 Mb)


iscsitadm create target -b /dev/zvol/rdsk/vdrive/LUNA iscsi
iscsitadm create target -b /dev/zvol/rdsk/vdrive/LUNB vscsi
iscsitadm create tpgt 1
iscsitadm modify -i 1

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# iscsitadm list tpgt -v
    IP Address:

iscsitadm modify target -p 1 iscsi
iscsitadm modify target -p 1 vscsi

After assigning a TPGT value to an iscsi target it seemed a little promising. 
But no luck.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# iscsitadm list target -v
Target: vscsi
    iSCSI Name: 
    Connections: 0
    ACL list:
    TPGT list:
        TPGT: 1
    LUN information:
        LUN: 0
            GUID: 0
            VID: SUN
            PID: SOLARIS
            Type: disk
            Size: 1.3T
            Backing store: /dev/zvol/rdsk/vdrive/LUNB
            Status: online
Target: iscsi
    iSCSI Name: 
    Connections: 0
    ACL list:
    TPGT list:
        TPGT: 1
    LUN information:
        LUN: 0
            GUID: 0
            VID: SUN
            PID: SOLARIS
            Type: disk
            Size:  750G
            Backing store: /dev/zvol/rdsk/vdrive/LUNA
            Status: online

Now test and logs:

Logged into ESX Infrastructure: 

Add iscsi target ip in Dynamic Discovery iscsi Server in ESX:

Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.499 cpu1:1035)iSCSI: bus 0 
target 0 = iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:4d469663-2304-4796-87a5-dffa03cd14ea.iscsi
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.499 cpu1:1035)iSCSI: bus 0 
target 0 portal 0 = address port 3260 group 1
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.499 cpu1:1035)LinStubs: 2045: 
fn=0x9bb1d8 arg=0x0
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.499 cpu1:1035)World: vm 1068: 
900: Starting world driver with flags 1
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.499 cpu0:1068)LinStubs: 2114: 
fn=0x9bb1d8 arg=0x0
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.499 cpu1:1035)LinStubs: 2045: 
fn=0x9b186c arg=0x9203f90
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.499 cpu1:1035)World: vm 1069: 
900: Starting world driver with flags 1
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.499 cpu1:1035)LinStubs: 2045: 
fn=0x9b7cd0 arg=0x9203f90
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.500 cpu1:1035)World: vm 1070: 
900: Starting world driver with flags 1
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.500 cpu0:1069)LinStubs: 2114: 
fn=0x9b186c arg=0x9203f90
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.500 cpu0:1070)LinStubs: 2114: 
fn=0x9b7cd0 arg=0x9203f90
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.500 cpu0:1070)iSCSI: bus 0 
target 0 trying to establish session 0x9203f90 to portal 0, address port 3260 group 1
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.501 cpu0:1070)iSCSI: bus 0 
target 0 established session 0x9203f90 #1 to portal 0, address 
port 3260 group 1, alias iscsi
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.512 cpu1:1033)iSCSI: bus 0 
target 1 = iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:35ec26d8-f173-6dd5-b239-93a9690ffe46.vscsi
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.512 cpu1:1033)iSCSI: bus 0 
target 1 portal 0 = address port 3260 group 1
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.512 cpu1:1033)LinStubs: 2045: 
fn=0x9b186c arg=0x92180a0
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.512 cpu1:1033)World: vm 1071: 
900: Starting world driver with flags 1
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.512 cpu0:1071)LinStubs: 2114: 
fn=0x9b186c arg=0x92180a0
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.512 cpu1:1033)LinStubs: 2045: 
fn=0x9b7cd0 arg=0x92180a0
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.512 cpu1:1033)World: vm 1072: 
900: Starting world driver with flags 1
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.512 cpu0:1072)LinStubs: 2114: 
fn=0x9b7cd0 arg=0x92180a0
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.512 cpu0:1072)iSCSI: bus 0 
target 1 trying to establish session 0x92180a0 to portal 0, address port 3260 group 1
Oct 17 06:49:18 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:03:01.524 cpu0:1072)iSCSI: bus 0 
target 1 established session 0x92180a0 #1 to portal 0, address 
port 3260 group 1, alias vscsi

Note: Adding the ISCSI host was significantly quicker than before. Must be TPGT.

Now I rescan the host (recommended) after adding the iscsi target server:

Oct 17 06:51:11 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:53.940 cpu1:1034)SCSI: 861: 
GetInfo for adapter vmhba32, [0x3f041100], max_vports=0, vports_inuse=0, 
linktype=0, state=0, failreason=0, rv=-19, sts=bad0001
Oct 17 06:51:11 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:53.942 cpu1:1035)SCSI: 861: 
GetInfo for adapter vmhba32, [0x3f041100], max_vports=0, vports_inuse=0, 
linktype=0, state=0, failreason=0, rv=-19, sts=bad0001
Oct 17 06:51:11 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:53.946 cpu1:1033)SCSI: 861: 
GetInfo for adapter vmhba32, [0x3f041100], max_vports=0, vports_inuse=0, 
linktype=0, state=0, failreason=0, rv=-19, sts=bad0001

Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.149 cpu1:1034)SCSI: 861: 
GetInfo for adapter vmhba33, [0x3f058a00], max_vports=0, vports_inuse=0, 
linktype=0, state=0, failreason=0, rv=-1, sts=bad001f
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.155 cpu0:1035)SCSI: 861: 
GetInfo for adapter vmhba33, [0x3f058a00], max_vports=0, vports_inuse=0, 
linktype=0, state=0, failreason=0, rv=-1, sts=bad001f
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.155 cpu0:1035)ScsiScan: 395: 
Path 'vmhba33:C0:T0:L0': Vendor: 'SUN     '  Model: 'SOLARIS         '  Rev: '1 
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.155 cpu0:1035)ScsiScan: 396: 
Type: 0x0, ANSI rev: 5
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Supported VPD pages for 
vmhba33:C0:T0:L0 : 0x0 0x80 0x83 0x86
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Device id info for 
vmhba33:C0:T0:L0: 0x51 0x95 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x1 0x51 0x94 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x0 
0x0 0x1 0x51 0x3 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2a 0x0 0x0 0x1e 
0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0 0x53 0xa8 0x0 0x44 0x69 0x71 0x6e 0x2e 0x3
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 1 0x39 0x38 0x36 0x2d 0x30 0x33 0x2e 
0x63 0x6f 0x6d 0x2e 0x73 0x75 0x6e 0x3a 0x30 0x32 0x3a 0x34 0x64 0x34 0x36 0x39 
0x36 0x36 0x33 0x2d 0x32 0x33 0x30 0x34 0x2d 0x34 0x37 0x39 0x36 0x2d 0x38 0x37 
0x61 0x35 0x2d 0x64 0x66 0x66 0x61 0x30 0x33 0x63 0x64 0x31
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0x34 0x65 0x61 0x2e 0x69 0x73 0x63 0x73 
0x69 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x51 0xa3 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2a 0x0 
0x0 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0 0x51 0x93 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 
0xf8 0xfa 0x2a 0x0 0x0 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Id for vmhba33:C0:T0:L0 
0x60 0x01 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2a 0x00 0x00 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x00 
0x53 0x4f 0x4c 0x41 0x52 0x49
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.158 cpu0:1035)ScsiScan: 641: 
Discovered path vmhba33:C0:T0:L0
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.159 cpu0:1035)ScsiScan: 395: 
Path 'vmhba33:C0:T1:L0': Vendor: 'SUN     '  Model: 'SOLARIS         '  Rev: '1 
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.159 cpu0:1035)ScsiScan: 396: 
Type: 0x0, ANSI rev: 5
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Supported VPD pages for 
vmhba33:C0:T1:L0 : 0x0 0x80 0x83 0x86
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Device id info for 
vmhba33:C0:T1:L0: 0x51 0x95 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x1 0x51 0x94 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x0 
0x0 0x1 0x51 0x3 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2b 0x0 0x0 0x1e 
0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0 0x53 0xa8 0x0 0x44 0x69 0x71 0x6e 0x2e 0x3
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 1 0x39 0x38 0x36 0x2d 0x30 0x33 0x2e 
0x63 0x6f 0x6d 0x2e 0x73 0x75 0x6e 0x3a 0x30 0x32 0x3a 0x33 0x35 0x65 0x63 0x32 
0x36 0x64 0x38 0x2d 0x66 0x31 0x37 0x33 0x2d 0x36 0x64 0x64 0x35 0x2d 0x62 0x32 
0x33 0x39 0x2d 0x39 0x33 0x61 0x39 0x36 0x39 0x30 0x66 0x66
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0x65 0x34 0x36 0x2e 0x76 0x73 0x63 0x73 
0x69 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x51 0xa3 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2b 0x0 
0x0 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0 0x51 0x93 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 
0xf8 0xfa 0x2b 0x0 0x0 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Id for vmhba33:C0:T1:L0 
0x60 0x01 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2b 0x00 0x00 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x00 
0x53 0x4f 0x4c 0x41 0x52 0x49
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.162 cpu0:1035)ScsiScan: 641: 
Discovered path vmhba33:C0:T1:L0
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.179 cpu0:1035)SCSI: 1917: 
Device vmhba33:0:0 has not been identified as being attached  to an 
active/passive SAN. It is either attached to an active/active SAN or is a local 
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.179 cpu0:1035)ScsiPath: 3178: 
Plugin 'legacyMP' claimed path 'vmhba33:C0:T0:L0'
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.179 cpu0:1035)SCSI: 1917: 
Device vmhba33:1:0 has not been identified as being attached  to an 
active/passive SAN. It is either attached to an active/active SAN or is a local 
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.179 cpu0:1035)ScsiPath: 3178: 
Plugin 'legacyMP' claimed path 'vmhba33:C0:T1:L0'
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.200 cpu0:1035)ScsiDevice: 
3479: Adding Device 
"vml.0200000000600144f048f8fa2a00001ec9d575d200534f4c415249" from Plugin 
"legacyMP", Device Type 0
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.200 cpu0:1035)SCSI: 5495: 
Logical device vml.0200000000600144f048f8fa2a00001ec9d575d200534f4c415249 for 
target vmhba33:0:0 was registered successfully.
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.201 cpu0:1035)ScsiDevice: 
3479: Adding Device 
"vml.0200000000600144f048f8fa2b00001ec9d575d200534f4c415249" from Plugin 
"legacyMP", Device Type 0
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.201 cpu0:1035)SCSI: 5495: 
Logical device vml.0200000000600144f048f8fa2b00001ec9d575d200534f4c415249 for 
target vmhba33:1:0 was registered successfully.
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.204 cpu1:1033)SCSI: 861: 
GetInfo for adapter vmhba33, [0x3f058a00], max_vports=0, vports_inuse=0, 
linktype=0, state=0, failreason=0, rv=-1, sts=bad001f
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Supported VPD pages for 
vmhba33:C0:T0:L0 : 0x0 0x80 0x83 0x86
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Device id info for 
vmhba33:C0:T0:L0: 0x51 0x95 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x1 0x51 0x94 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x0 
0x0 0x1 0x51 0x3 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2a 0x0 0x0 0x1e 
0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0 0x53 0xa8 0x0 0x44 0x69 0x71 0x6e 0x2e 0x3
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 1 0x39 0x38 0x36 0x2d 0x30 0x33 0x2e 
0x63 0x6f 0x6d 0x2e 0x73 0x75 0x6e 0x3a 0x30 0x32 0x3a 0x34 0x64 0x34 0x36 0x39 
0x36 0x36 0x33 0x2d 0x32 0x33 0x30 0x34 0x2d 0x34 0x37 0x39 0x36 0x2d 0x38 0x37 
0x61 0x35 0x2d 0x64 0x66 0x66 0x61 0x30 0x33 0x63 0x64 0x31
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0x34 0x65 0x61 0x2e 0x69 0x73 0x63 0x73 
0x69 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x51 0xa3 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2a 0x0 
0x0 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0 0x51 0x93 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 
0xf8 0xfa 0x2a 0x0 0x0 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Id for vmhba33:C0:T0:L0 
0x60 0x01 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2a 0x00 0x00 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x00 
0x53 0x4f 0x4c 0x41 0x52 0x49
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Supported VPD pages for 
vmhba33:C0:T1:L0 : 0x0 0x80 0x83 0x86
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Device id info for 
vmhba33:C0:T1:L0: 0x51 0x95 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x1 0x51 0x94 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x0 
0x0 0x1 0x51 0x3 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2b 0x0 0x0 0x1e 
0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0 0x53 0xa8 0x0 0x44 0x69 0x71 0x6e 0x2e 0x3
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 1 0x39 0x38 0x36 0x2d 0x30 0x33 0x2e 
0x63 0x6f 0x6d 0x2e 0x73 0x75 0x6e 0x3a 0x30 0x32 0x3a 0x33 0x35 0x65 0x63 0x32 
0x36 0x64 0x38 0x2d 0x66 0x31 0x37 0x33 0x2d 0x36 0x64 0x64 0x35 0x2d 0x62 0x32 
0x33 0x39 0x2d 0x39 0x33 0x61 0x39 0x36 0x39 0x30 0x66 0x66
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0x65 0x34 0x36 0x2e 0x76 0x73 0x63 0x73 
0x69 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x51 0xa3 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2b 0x0 
0x0 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0 0x51 0x93 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 
0xf8 0xfa 0x2b 0x0 0x0 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Id for vmhba33:C0:T1:L0 
0x60 0x01 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2b 0x00 0x00 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x00 
0x53 0x4f 0x4c 0x41 0x52 0x49
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.453 cpu1:1034)SCSI: 861: 
GetInfo for adapter vmhba0, [0x3f040d00], max_vports=0, vports_inuse=0, 
linktype=0, state=0, failreason=0, rv=-25, sts=bad0001
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.453 cpu1:1034)ScsiScan: 395: 
Path 'vmhba0:C0:T0:L0': Vendor: 'ATA     '  Model: 'Maxtor 7Y250M0  '  Rev: 
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.453 cpu1:1034)ScsiScan: 396: 
Type: 0x0, ANSI rev: 5
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.453 cpu1:1034)ScsiUid: 653: 
No supported identifier types found in VPD device id page.
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.453 cpu1:1034)ScsiScan: 516: 
Path 'vmhba0:C0:T0:L0': No standard UID: Failure
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.455 cpu1:1034)SCSI: 861: 
GetInfo for adapter vmhba0, [0x3f040d00], max_vports=0, vports_inuse=0, 
linktype=0, state=0, failreason=0, rv=-25, sts=bad0001
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:04:59.461 cpu1:1034)SCSI: 861: 
GetInfo for adapter vmhba0, [0x3f040d00], max_vports=0, vports_inuse=0, 
linktype=0, state=0, failreason=0, rv=-25, sts=bad0001
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Supported VPD pages for 
vmhba0:C0:T0:L0 : 0x0 0x80 0x83
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Device id info for 
vmhba0:C0:T0:L0: 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x18 0x4c 0x69 0x6e 0x75 0x78 0x20 0x41 0x54 0x41 
0x2d 0x53 0x43 0x53 0x49 0x20 0x73 0x69 0x6d 0x75 0x6c 0x61 0x74 0x6f 0x72
Oct 17 06:51:16 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Id for vmhba0:C0:T0:L0 
0x59 0x36 0x33 0x39 0x36 0x52 0x30 0x45 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 
0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x4d 0x61 0x78 0x74 0x6f 0x72

Again discovering the disks were significantly quicker. Which was leading me to 
a glimmer of hope that this may actually work.

Now we add the disks to the list of available storage units in ESX. 

First I add LUNA (750Gigabytes) or target name iqn.xxxxx.iscsi

Oct 17 06:53:48 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:31.591 cpu1:1035)LVM: 6505: 
LVMProbeDevice failed with status "Device does not contain a logical volume".
Oct 17 06:53:49 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:31.962 cpu1:1035)LVM: 4866: 
Initialized vmhba33:0:0:1, devID 48f898ed-04041295-632a-0019b9f7eddd
Oct 17 06:53:49 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:31.967 cpu1:1035)LVM: 5016: Zero 
volumeSize specified: using available space (805286372352).
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:35.878 cpu1:1035)FS3: 130: 
<START rootDir>
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:35.878 cpu1:1035)Lock [type 
10c00001 offset 4292608 v 1, hb offset 0
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: gen 0, mode 0, owner 
00000000-00000000-0000-000000000000 mtime 7655]
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:35.878 cpu1:1035)Addr <4, 0, 0>, 
gen 1, links 2, type dir, flags 0x0, uid 0, gid 0, mode 1755
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:35.878 cpu1:1035)len 980, nb 1 
tbz 0, zla 1, bs 1048576
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:35.878 cpu1:1035)FS3: 132: <END 
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:35.878 cpu1:1035)FS3: 157: 
<START fbb>
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:35.878 cpu1:1035)767744 
resources, each of size 0
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:35.878 cpu1:1035)Organized as 
120 CGs, 32 C/CG and 200 R/C
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:35.878 cpu1:1035)CGsize 32768. 
0th CG at 65536
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:35.878 cpu1:1035)FS3: 159: <END 
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.011 cpu1:1035)FS3: 130: 
<START fbb>
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.011 cpu1:1035)Lock [type 
10c00001 offset 4294656 v 1, hb offset 0
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: gen 0, mode 0, owner 
00000000-00000000-0000-000000000000 mtime 7655]
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.011 cpu1:1035)Addr <4, 0, 1>, 
gen 1, links 1, type sys, flags 0x0, uid 0, gid 0, mode 400
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.011 cpu1:1035)len 3997696, nb 
4 tbz 0, zla 1, bs 1048576
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.011 cpu1:1035)FS3: 132: <END 
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.011 cpu1:1035)FS3: 157: 
<START fdc>
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.011 cpu1:1035)30720 
resources, each of size 2048
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.011 cpu1:1035)Organized as 5 
CGs, 32 C/CG and 200 R/C
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.011 cpu1:1035)CGsize 
13139968. 0th CG at 65536
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.011 cpu1:1035)FS3: 159: <END 
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.056 cpu1:1035)FS3: 130: 
<START fdc>
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.056 cpu1:1035)Lock [type 
10c00001 offset 4296704 v 1, hb offset 0
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: gen 0, mode 0, owner 
00000000-00000000-0000-000000000000 mtime 7656]
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.056 cpu1:1035)Addr <4, 0, 2>, 
gen 1, links 1, type sys, flags 0x0, uid 0, gid 0, mode 400
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.056 cpu1:1035)len 63143936, 
nb 61 tbz 0, zla 1, bs 1048576
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.056 cpu1:1035)FS3: 132: <END 
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.056 cpu1:1035)FS3: 157: 
<START pbc>
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.056 cpu1:1035)61440 
resources, each of size 4096
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.056 cpu1:1035)Organized as 
120 CGs, 32 C/CG and 16 R/C
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.056 cpu1:1035)CGsize 2129920. 
0th CG at 65536
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.056 cpu1:1035)FS3: 159: <END 
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.193 cpu1:1035)FS3: 130: 
<START pbc>
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.193 cpu1:1035)Lock [type 
10c00001 offset 4298752 v 1, hb offset 0
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: gen 0, mode 0, owner 
00000000-00000000-0000-000000000000 mtime 7656]
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.193 cpu1:1035)Addr <4, 0, 3>, 
gen 1, links 1, type sys, flags 0x0, uid 0, gid 0, mode 400
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.193 cpu1:1035)len 255655936, 
nb 244 tbz 0, zla 1, bs 1048576
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.193 cpu1:1035)FS3: 132: <END 
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.193 cpu1:1035)FS3: 157: 
<START sbc>
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.193 cpu1:1035)3968 resources, 
each of size 65536
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.193 cpu1:1035)Organized as 8 
CGs, 32 C/CG and 16 R/C
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.193 cpu1:1035)CGsize 
33587200. 0th CG at 65536
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.193 cpu1:1035)FS3: 159: <END 
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.241 cpu1:1035)FS3: 130: 
<START sbc>
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.241 cpu1:1035)Lock [type 
10c00001 offset 4300800 v 1, hb offset 0
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: gen 0, mode 0, owner 
00000000-00000000-0000-000000000000 mtime 7656]
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.241 cpu1:1035)Addr <4, 0, 4>, 
gen 1, links 1, type sys, flags 0x0, uid 0, gid 0, mode 400
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.241 cpu1:1035)len 260374528, 
nb 249 tbz 0, zla 1, bs 1048576
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.241 cpu1:1035)FS3: 132: <END 
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.241 cpu1:1035)FS3: 130: 
<START vh>
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.241 cpu1:1035)Lock [type 
10c00001 offset 4302848 v 1, hb offset 0
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: gen 0, mode 0, owner 
00000000-00000000-0000-000000000000 mtime 7656]
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.241 cpu1:1035)Addr <4, 0, 5>, 
gen 1, links 1, type sys, flags 0x0, uid 0, gid 0, mode 400
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.241 cpu1:1035)len 4194304, nb 
4 tbz 0, zla 1, bs 1048576
Oct 17 06:53:53 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:07:36.241 cpu1:1035)FS3: 132: <END 

Now I add the storage unit LUNB iqn.xxxxx.vscsi

Oct 17 06:55:20 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:03.219 cpu1:1034)LVM: 6505: 
LVMProbeDevice failed with status "Device does not contain a logical volume".
Oct 17 06:55:20 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:03.549 cpu1:1034)LVM: 4866: 
Initialized vmhba33:1:0:1, devID 48f89948-fdafdfa6-af31-0019b9f7eddd
Oct 17 06:55:20 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:03.554 cpu1:1034)LVM: 5016: Zero 
volumeSize specified: using available space (1384033523712).
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.215 cpu1:1034)FS3: 130: 
<START rootDir>
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.215 cpu1:1034)Lock [type 
10c00001 offset 8486912 v 1, hb offset 0
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: gen 0, mode 0, owner 
00000000-00000000-0000-000000000000 mtime 7750]
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.215 cpu1:1034)Addr <4, 0, 0>, 
gen 1, links 2, type dir, flags 0x0, uid 0, gid 0, mode 1755
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.215 cpu1:1034)len 980, nb 1 
tbz 0, zla 1, bs 8388608
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.215 cpu1:1034)FS3: 132: <END 
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.215 cpu1:1034)FS3: 157: 
<START fbb>
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.215 cpu1:1034)164960 
resources, each of size 0
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.215 cpu1:1034)Organized as 26 
CGs, 32 C/CG and 200 R/C
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.215 cpu1:1034)CGsize 32768. 
0th CG at 65536
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.215 cpu1:1034)FS3: 159: <END 
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.280 cpu1:1034)FS3: 130: 
<START fbb>
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.280 cpu1:1034)Lock [type 
10c00001 offset 8488960 v 1, hb offset 0
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: gen 0, mode 0, owner 
00000000-00000000-0000-000000000000 mtime 7750]
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.280 cpu1:1034)Addr <4, 0, 1>, 
gen 1, links 1, type sys, flags 0x0, uid 0, gid 0, mode 400
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.280 cpu1:1034)len 917504, nb 
1 tbz 0, zla 1, bs 8388608
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.280 cpu1:1034)FS3: 132: <END 
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.280 cpu1:1034)FS3: 157: 
<START fdc>
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.280 cpu1:1034)30720 
resources, each of size 2048
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.280 cpu1:1034)Organized as 5 
CGs, 32 C/CG and 200 R/C
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.280 cpu1:1034)CGsize 
13139968. 0th CG at 65536
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.280 cpu1:1034)FS3: 159: <END 
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.325 cpu1:1034)FS3: 130: 
<START fdc>
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.325 cpu1:1034)Lock [type 
10c00001 offset 8491008 v 1, hb offset 0
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: gen 0, mode 0, owner 
00000000-00000000-0000-000000000000 mtime 7750]
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.325 cpu1:1034)Addr <4, 0, 2>, 
gen 1, links 1, type sys, flags 0x0, uid 0, gid 0, mode 400
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.325 cpu1:1034)len 63143936, 
nb 8 tbz 0, zla 1, bs 8388608
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.325 cpu1:1034)FS3: 132: <END 
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.325 cpu1:1034)FS3: 157: 
<START pbc>
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.325 cpu1:1034)61440 
resources, each of size 4096
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.325 cpu1:1034)Organized as 
120 CGs, 32 C/CG and 16 R/C
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.325 cpu1:1034)CGsize 2129920. 
0th CG at 65536
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.325 cpu1:1034)FS3: 159: <END 
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.460 cpu1:1034)FS3: 130: 
<START pbc>
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.460 cpu1:1034)Lock [type 
10c00001 offset 8493056 v 1, hb offset 0
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: gen 0, mode 0, owner 
00000000-00000000-0000-000000000000 mtime 7750]
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.460 cpu1:1034)Addr <4, 0, 3>, 
gen 1, links 1, type sys, flags 0x0, uid 0, gid 0, mode 400
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.460 cpu1:1034)len 255655936, 
nb 31 tbz 0, zla 1, bs 8388608
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.460 cpu1:1034)FS3: 132: <END 
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.460 cpu1:1034)FS3: 157: 
<START sbc>
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.460 cpu1:1034)3968 resources, 
each of size 65536
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.460 cpu1:1034)Organized as 8 
CGs, 32 C/CG and 16 R/C
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.461 cpu1:1034)CGsize 
33587200. 0th CG at 65536
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.461 cpu1:1034)FS3: 159: <END 
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.507 cpu1:1034)FS3: 130: 
<START sbc>
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.507 cpu1:1034)Lock [type 
10c00001 offset 8495104 v 1, hb offset 0
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: gen 0, mode 0, owner 
00000000-00000000-0000-000000000000 mtime 7750]
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.507 cpu1:1034)Addr <4, 0, 4>, 
gen 1, links 1, type sys, flags 0x0, uid 0, gid 0, mode 400
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.507 cpu1:1034)len 260374528, 
nb 32 tbz 0, zla 1, bs 8388608
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.507 cpu1:1034)FS3: 132: <END 
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.507 cpu1:1034)FS3: 130: 
<START vh>
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.507 cpu1:1034)Lock [type 
10c00001 offset 8497152 v 1, hb offset 0
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: gen 0, mode 0, owner 
00000000-00000000-0000-000000000000 mtime 7750]
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.507 cpu1:1034)Addr <4, 0, 5>, 
gen 1, links 1, type sys, flags 0x0, uid 0, gid 0, mode 400
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.507 cpu1:1034)len 8388608, nb 
1 tbz 0, zla 1, bs 8388608
Oct 17 06:55:27 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:09:10.507 cpu1:1034)FS3: 132: <END 

Now lets try to do a cold migration of an existing virtual server from the 
local storage to the iscsi SAN.

Oct 17 06:57:14 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:10:57.309 cpu1:1061)LinSCSI: 3201: 
Abort failed for cmd with serial=1294, status=bad0001, retval=bad0001

Nothing on the ESX side. Migration is still "in progress:"

Oct 17 06:57:14 vmware-860-1 last message repeated 4 times
Oct 17 06:57:51 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:11:34.305 cpu0:1068)iSCSI: 50 
second timeout expired for session 0x9203f90, rx 784431, ping 788930, now 789431
Oct 17 06:57:51 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:11:34.306 cpu0:1069)iSCSI: session 
0x9203f90 xmit_data failed to send 131120 bytes, rc -512
Oct 17 06:57:51 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:11:34.306 cpu1:1070)iSCSI: session 
0x9203f90 to iscsi dropped
Oct 17 06:57:51 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:11:34.306 cpu1:1070)iSCSI: session 
0x9203f90 for (2 0 0 *) rx thread 1070handled timeout, notify tx
Oct 17 06:57:51 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:11:34.306 cpu1:1070)iSCSI: bus 0 
target 0 trying to establish session 0x9203f90 to portal 0, address port 3260 group 1
Oct 17 06:57:51 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:11:34.307 cpu1:1070)iSCSI: bus 0 
target 0 established session 0x9203f90 #2 to portal 0, address 
port 3260 group 1, alias iscsi
Oct 17 06:57:52 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:11:35.427 cpu1:1031)Fil3: 5004:  
WRITE error 0xbad00e5
Oct 17 06:57:52 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0:02:11:35.427 cpu1:1037)FS3: 4829: 
Reclaimed timed out heartbeat [HB state abcdef02 offset 3225088 gen 29 stamp 
7842338662 uuid 48f87b0e-ec804c43-8088-0019b9f7eddd jrnl <FB 499805> drv 4.31]
Oct 17 06:57:52 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Supported VPD pages for 
vmhba33:C0:T0:L0 : 0x0 0x80 0x83 0x86
Oct 17 06:57:52 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Device id info for 
vmhba33:C0:T0:L0: 0x51 0x95 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x1 0x51 0x94 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x0 
0x0 0x1 0x51 0x3 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2a 0x0 0x0 0x1e 
0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0 0x53 0xa8 0x0 0x44 0x69 0x71 0x6e 0x2e 0x3
Oct 17 06:57:52 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 1 0x39 0x38 0x36 0x2d 0x30 0x33 0x2e 
0x63 0x6f 0x6d 0x2e 0x73 0x75 0x6e 0x3a 0x30 0x32 0x3a 0x34 0x64 0x34 0x36 0x39 
0x36 0x36 0x33 0x2d 0x32 0x33 0x30 0x34 0x2d 0x34 0x37 0x39 0x36 0x2d 0x38 0x37 
0x61 0x35 0x2d 0x64 0x66 0x66 0x61 0x30 0x33 0x63 0x64 0x31
Oct 17 06:57:52 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0x34 0x65 0x61 0x2e 0x69 0x73 0x63 0x73 
0x69 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x51 0xa3 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2a 0x0 
0x0 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0 0x51 0x93 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 
0xf8 0xfa 0x2a 0x0 0x0 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0
Oct 17 06:57:52 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Id for vmhba33:C0:T0:L0 
0x60 0x01 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2a 0x00 0x00 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x00 
0x53 0x4f 0x4c 0x41 0x52 0x49
Oct 17 06:57:52 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Supported VPD pages for 
vmhba33:C0:T1:L0 : 0x0 0x80 0x83 0x86
Oct 17 06:57:52 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Device id info for 
vmhba33:C0:T1:L0: 0x51 0x95 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x1 0x51 0x94 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x0 
0x0 0x1 0x51 0x3 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2b 0x0 0x0 0x1e 
0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0 0x53 0xa8 0x0 0x44 0x69 0x71 0x6e 0x2e 0x3
Oct 17 06:57:52 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 1 0x39 0x38 0x36 0x2d 0x30 0x33 0x2e 
0x63 0x6f 0x6d 0x2e 0x73 0x75 0x6e 0x3a 0x30 0x32 0x3a 0x33 0x35 0x65 0x63 0x32 
0x36 0x64 0x38 0x2d 0x66 0x31 0x37 0x33 0x2d 0x36 0x64 0x64 0x35 0x2d 0x62 0x32 
0x33 0x39 0x2d 0x39 0x33 0x61 0x39 0x36 0x39 0x30 0x66 0x66
Oct 17 06:57:52 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: 0x65 0x34 0x36 0x2e 0x76 0x73 0x63 0x73 
0x69 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x51 0xa3 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2b 0x0 
0x0 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0 0x51 0x93 0x0 0x10 0x60 0x1 0x44 0xf0 0x48 
0xf8 0xfa 0x2b 0x0 0x0 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x0
Oct 17 06:57:52 vmware-860-1 vmkernel: VMWARE SCSI Id: Id for vmhba33:C0:T1:L0 
0x60 0x01 0x44 0xf0 0x48 0xf8 0xfa 0x2b 0x00 0x00 0x1e 0xc9 0xd5 0x75 0xd2 0x00 
0x53 0x4f 0x4c 0x41 0x52 0x49

Rinse and repeat till VMWARE times out and gotta reboot the ESX host so I can 
at least work on it again.

Any further ideas? I'm going to study the error messages some more.

However, It's is exteremly frustrating when a Virtual Server Opensolaris 
2008.05 is able to host iscsi targets and the existing ESX host is able to 
utilize the partitions.

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