On 25 November, 2008 - Dave Brown sent me these 0,8K bytes:

>     I have RTFM'd through this list and a number of Sun docs at docs.sun 
> and can't find any information on how I might be able to write out 'hard 
> zeros' to the unused blocks on a ZFS.  The reason I'd like to do this is 
> because if the storage (LUN/s) I'm providing to the ZFS is 
> thin-provisioned and doesn't know about a host O.S. file system and 
> whether a previously written disk block still has data on it, only 
> knowing it doesn't if all zero's are written, then how would I go about 
> doing that with ZFS?  I was looking at the command mkfile, which looked 
> like it might do it, but I wasn't sure.  Has anyone done this before and 
> can provide the instructions?

try turning compression off, then create a huge file (all free space)
with mkfile.. Not sure about the exact bit storage with regards to
checksum etc.. you might want to try with checksum off as well..

Tomas Ögren, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.acc.umu.se/~stric/
|- Student at Computing Science, University of Umeå
`- Sysadmin at {cs,acc}.umu.se
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