On Wed, 26 Nov 2008, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

> On Wed, 26 Nov 2008, Paul Sobey wrote:
> An important thing to keep in mind is that each vdev offers a "write IOP". 
> If you put ten disks in a raidz2 vdev, then those ten disks are providing one 
> write IOP and a one read IOP.  If you use those 10 disks to create five 
> mirror vdevs, then you obtain five write IOPs and ten read IOPs, but almost 
> half the usable disk space.  This a a sort of simplistic way to look at the 
> performance issue, but it is still useful.
> One factor I forgot to mention, is that there is value to having multiple 
> pools if the performance characteristics of the pools needs to be radically 
> different.  For example, one pool could be optimized for storage capacity 
> while the other is optimized for IOPS.

Excellent advice - thankyou very much.


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