Unless something new develops, from my perspective this thread has served its 
purpose.  I don't want to drag it out and waste people's time.  If any "late 
readers" have insights that should be captured for the archive please add them.

Thank you all VERY much for the discussion, insights, suggestions, and 
especially the responsiveness.  

As you might gather from my several mentions of Linux, I have been using Linux 
for almost 10 years now and on balance am very happy.  But when there is a 
problem, there are usually very few if any responses, they come over several 
days or longer, and only very rarely is any light shed.  

The suggestions regarding running a file server on a low-end machine will be 
taken to heart also.  I like this machine because it has ECC memory, but in 
time I expect to break down and use a faster machine without ECC.  Too bad 
Intel does not provide ECC in their desktop grade chipsets any more.

With best regards,
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