Hi Miles,

Miles Nordin wrote:
>>>>>> "ca" == Carsten Aulbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     ca> (a) Why the first vdev does not get an equal share
>     ca> of the load
> I don't know.  but, if you don't add all the vdev's before writing
> anything, there's no magic to make them balance themselves out.  Stuff
> stays where it's written.  I'm guessing you did add them at the same
> time, and they still filled up unevenly?

Yes, they are created all in one go (even on the same command line) and
only then are filled - either "naturally" over time or via zfs
send/receive (all on Sol10u5). So yes, it seems they fill up unevenly.

> 'zpool iostat' that you showed is the place I found to see how data is
> spread among vdev's.
>     ca>  (b) Why is a large raidz2 so bad? When I use a
>     ca> standard Linux box with hardware raid6 over 16 disks I usually
>     ca> get more bandwidth and at least about the same small file
>     ca> performance
> obviously there are all kinds of things going on but...the standard
> answer is, traditional RAID5/6 doesn't have to do full stripe I/O.
> ZFS is more like FreeBSD's RAID3: it gets around the NVRAMless-RAID5
> write hole by always writing a full stripe, which means all spindles
> seek together and you get the seek performance of 1 drive (per vdev).
> Linux RAID5/6 just gives up and accepts a write hole, AIUI, but
> because the stripes are much fatter than a filesystem block, you'll
> sometimes get the record you need by seeking a subset of the drives
> rather than all of them, which means the drives you didn't seek have
> the chance to fetch another record.
> If you're saying you get worse performance than a single spindle, I'm
> not sure why.

No I think a single disk would be much less performant, however I'm a
bit disappointed by the overall performance of the boxes and just now we
have users where they experience extremely slow performance.

But already thanks for the inside


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