On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 12:07:52PM +0000, Ross Smith wrote:
> It sounds to me like there are several potentially valid filesystem
> uberblocks available, am I understanding this right?
> 1. There are four copies of the current uberblock.  Any one of these
> should be enough to load your pool with no data loss.
> 2. There are also a few (would love to know how many) previous
> uberblocks which will point to a consistent filesystem, but with some
> data loss.

My memory is that someone on this list said "3" in response to a
question I had about it.  I looked through the archives and couldn't
come up with the post.  It was over a year ago.

> 3. Failing that, the system could be rolled back to any snapshot
> uberblock.  Any data saved since that snapshot will be lost.

What is a "snapshot uberblock"?  The uberblock points to the entire
tree: live data, snapshots, clones, etc.  If you don't have a valid
uberblock, you don't have any snapshots.

> Is there any chance at all of automated tools that can take advantage
> of all of these for pool recovery?

I'm sure there is.  In addition, I think there needs to be more that can
be done non-destructively.  Any successful import is read-write,
potentially destroying other information.   It would be nice to get "df"
or "zfs list" information so you could make a decision about using an
older uberblock.  Even better would be a read-only (at the pool level)
mount so the data could be directly examined.

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