"Richard L. Hamilton" <rlha...@smart.net> wrote:

> I did find the earlier discussion on the subject (someone e-mailed me that 
> there had been
> such).  It seemed to conclude that some apps are statically linked with old 
> scandir() code
> that (incorrectly) assumed that the number of directory entries could be 
> estimated as
> st_size/24; and worse, that some such apps might be seeing the small st_size 
> that zfs
> offers via NFS, so they might not even be something that could be fixed on 
> Solaris at all.
> But I didn't see anything in the discussion that suggested that this was 
> going to be changed.
> Nor did I see a compelling argument for leaving it the way it is, either.  In 
> the face of
> "undefined", all arguments end up as pragmatism rather than principle, IMO.

This is a problem I had to fix for some customers in 1992 when people started 
to use NFS 
servers based on the Novell OS.


 EMail:jo...@schily.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
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