On January 30, 2009 9:58:56 AM -0800 Frank Cusack <fcus...@fcusack.com> 
> somewhat related question, any way to tell zfs it's ok to shadow a
> directory?  i would like to create datasets for /usr/local dirs in
> each sparse zone, however because /usr is inherited and the global
> zone's /usr/local is populated, when the zone boots with a dataset
> whose mountpoint is /usr/local, it won't mount.  if i made /usr/local
> a separate dataset in the global zone would that work?  (i can't
> test this right now.)

the answer to this appears to be no, and yes.

no, there is apparently no way to tell zfs it's ok to shadow a directory,
ie to mount a zfs dataset on top of a non-empty directory.

and yes, making /usr/local a zfs dataset in the global zone makes it
empty in sparse zones (similar to the nfs export problem i guess) and
then a zoned dataset can be mounted on top.

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