> Dear ZFS experts,

somehow one of my zpools got corrupted. Symptom is that I cannot import it any more. To me it is of lesser interest why that happened.
What is really challenging is the following.

Any effort to import the zpool hangs and is unkillable. E.g. if I issue a "zpool import test2-app" the process hangs and cannot be killed. As this originally happened on a Sun Cluster node, this finally panic'ed the node, the storage resource failover to the other node, hung again, panic'ed this node as well ..... Not a good scenario for a production system.

I now have 2 questions:
1. Could the hang and the unkillable process be avoided by setting the zpool's failmode to continue? It is currently set to "wait" which I think is the default. 2. Is it true that I can only set the failmode property while the zpool is imported? As trying to set it hangs and is unkillable.

If I do a "zpool import" the following shows up:

pool: test2-app
state: ONLINE
scrub: none requested

       test2-app   ONLINE       0     0     0
         c1t1d7    ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors
If I truss "zpool import test2-app" the last lines are:
open("/dev/dsk/c1t1d7s0", O_RDONLY)             = 6
fstat(6, 0xFFBFB404)                            = 0
modctl(MODSIZEOF_DEVID, 0x01D80038, 0xFFBFB48C, 0x0008CC24, 0xFF21B480) = 0
modctl(MODGETDEVID, 0x01D80038, 0x0000001C, 0x000E9F90, 0xFF21B480) = 0
fstat(6, 0xFFBFB404)                            = 0
modctl(MODSIZEOF_MINORNAME, 0x01D80038, 0x00006000, 0xFFBFB48C, 0xFF21B480) = 0 modctl(MODGETMINORNAME, 0x01D80038, 0x00006000, 0x00000002, 0x000F1FC8) = 0
close(6)                                        = 0
ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_POOL_STATS, 0xFFBFA4F0)        Err#2 ENOENT
ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_POOL_TRYIMPORT, 0xFFBFA5C8)    = 0


Sun Microsystems GmbH           Hartmut Streppel                
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Geschäftsführer: Thomas Schröder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Bömer
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Sun Microsystems GmbH           Hartmut Streppel
Sonnenallee 1                   Systems Practice
D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten Phone: +49 (0)89 46008 2563 Germany Mobile: +49 (0)172 8919711
http://www.sun.de               FAX:    +49 (0)89 46008 2572
mailto: hartmut.strep...@sun.com
Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1, D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Amtsgericht München: HRB 161028
Geschäftsführer: Thomas Schröder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Bömer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Häring

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