Bob Friesenhahn <> writes:

I created a receptacle with zpool
zpool create zbk raidz1 c5t0d0 c5t1d0 c5t2d0

(With compression turned on)

As seen my zfs
 zfs list zbk
  zbk    106G  50.5G   106G  /zbk

As seen by zpool
 zpool list zbk
  zbk    238G   158G  79.6G    66%  ONLINE  -

BobF wrote:
> Other than when dealing with the top zfs pools, and zfs filesystems,
> the answer to this is yes.  If this was not the case, then the system
> would not be very useful.

It sure wouldn't.  That was first take but like I said I wasn't that
confident about being right.

Its looking like I botched the job already.  My intent was to create
one top level zfs files system in the pool.  But after your helpful and
explanatory reply I see I carelessly mixed things up so that I used 
`zfs create' where I should have used mkdir

   zfs list -r zbk
  NAME                      USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
  zbk                       106G  50.5G   106G  /zbk
  zbk/mob1                  101K  50.5G  28.0K  /zbk/mob1
  zbk/mob1/acronis         49.3K  50.5G  25.3K  /zbk/mob1/acronis
  zbk/mob1/acronis/022009  24.0K  50.5G  24.0K  /zbk/mob1/acronis/022009
  zbk/mob1/ghost           24.0K  50.5G  24.0K  /zbk/mob1/ghost

   ls -lR /zbk|grep '^/'

>  zfs rename zbk/hosts/mob1022009-full.tib zbk/hosts/mob1/022009-full.tib

Probably the wrong move now that its clear how I screwed this up.

I'm thinking something like this might clean things up?

 cd /rbk

  Starting with:
  ls -F .
  chub/  harvey/  mob1/  mob1MyBackup.tib

 zfs destroy -r mob1

 mkdir -p mob1/acronis/022009/  mob1/ghost

 mv  mob1MyBackup.tib mob1/acronis/022009/mob1_01.tib

Is this about right... since there are no actual files under the zfs
file system `mob1/', I can just get rid of it as shown above.  And
create the hierarchy I intended with standard tools mkdir and mv?

I think I'll wait for a reply before I do any of that...

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