On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 11:43:09AM -0500, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> In summary, I don't agree with you that the misbehavior is correct, 
> but I do agree that copious expensive fsync()s should be assured to 
> work around the problem.

fsync() is, indeed, expensive.  Lots of calls to fsync() that are not
necessary for correct application operation EXCEPT as a workaround for
lame filesystem re-ordering are a sure way to kill performance.

I'd rather the filesystems were fixed than end up with sync;sync;sync;
type folklore.  Or just don't use lame filesystems.

> As it happens, current versions of my own application should be safe 
> from this Linux filesystem bug, but older versions are not.   There is 
> even a way to request fsync() on every file close, but that could be 
> quite expensive so it is not the default.

So now you pepper your apps with an option to fsync() on close()?  Ouch.

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