I'd be careful about raidz unless you have either:

1 - automatic notification of failure set up using fmadm

2 - at least one hot spare

Because raidz is parity-based (it does some math-magic to give you
redundancy), replacing a disk that's failed can take a very long time
compared to mirror resilvering (the zfs term for rebuilding

You can get a nice 1000gb SATA drive on newegg or a similar site for
about $90 - well worth the extra money ($120) for the convenience of
mirroring.  Mirrors are probably also faster for any kind of video
playback (like the video projects you mention).

I use raidz2 with 2 hot spares at my company, yes, but only for data
warehousing.  User data (windows home dirs) I put on mirrors.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:00 PM, Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:
> Bob Friesenhahn <bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us> writes:
>> On Thu, 19 Mar 2009, Harry Putnam wrote:
>>> I've created a zpool in raidz1 configuration with:
>>>  zpool create  zbk raidz1  c3d0 c4d0 c4d1
>> This is not a very useful configuration.  With this number of disks,
>> it is best to use two of them to build a mirror, and save the other
>> disk for something else (e.g. to build a mirrored root pool). Mirrors
>> perform better, are more fault tolerant, and are easier to administer.
> Ok, I was going by comments on a site called Simons' blog that tells
> you how to set things up with zfs.  Of course it is just one guys
> opinion.
> Let me just say a couple of words about my intended usage.
> I'm building a home NAS server for my home lan using opensolaris and
> zfs.
> I will be backing up 4 Windows XP boxes, 2 of which are used primarily
> for processing video.  And eventully I'd be storing finished video
> projects too.  Often these projects run to 50gb or so.  But I don't do
> so many.  Maybe 9-12 in a yr.
> So I'd want to put ghosted images of each machine OS (several apiece)
> and running backups (incremental) that would stretch back a few weeks.
> And the projects mentioned above.  As well as what is becoming quite a
> large photo collection.
> Also 2 linux boxes will getting backed up there.
> I thought the kind of redundancy offered by raidz1 would be enough for
> my needs and would allow me to get a little more storage room out of
> my disks than mirrored setup.
> I suspect as well, that the access times in raidz1 or mirrored would
> be vastly higher than what the low end consumer grade NASs that are
> availabe offer.
> I did try one out.. a WD Worldbook (about $200 US) that advertises
> gigabit access but in use cannot even come close to what a 10/100
> connect can handle.
> So raidz1 would probably be adequate for me... I wouldn't be putting
> it to the test like a commercial operation might.
> You mentioned admistration was a bigger problem with raidz1, can you
> be more specific there?... I have really know idea what to expect in
> that regard with either technique.
>> With five disks, raidz1 becomes useful.
> The three 500gb I have now are all one brand and model number and IDE ata.
> If I were to expand to 5, those 2 would need to be sata or else I'd
> also need to add a PCI IDE controller.
> With that in mind would it be problematic to make up the 5 by adding 2
> sata 500gb to the mix?
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