So I was looking into the boot flash feature of the newer x4540, and
evidently it is simply a CompactFlash slot, with all of the disadvantages
and limitations of that type of media. The sun deployment guide recommends
minimizing writes to a CF boot device, in particular by NFS mounting /var
from a different server, disabling swap or swapping to a different device,
and doing all logging over the network. Not exactly a configuration I would
prefer. My sales SE said most people weren't utilizing the CF boot feature.
The concept is nice, but an implementation with SSD quality flash rather
than basic CF (also, preferably redundant devices) would have been better.

If I had an x4540 (which I don't, unfortunately, we picked up a half dozen
x4500's just before they were end of sale'd), what I think would be
interesting to do would be install two of the 32GB SSD disks in the boot
slots, use a 1-5GB sliced mirror as a slog, and the remaining 27-31GB as a
sliced mirrored root pool. From what I understand you don't need very much
space for an effective slog, and SSD's don't have the write failure
limitations of CF. Also, the recommendation for giving ZFS entire discs
rather than slices evidently isn't applicable to SSD's as they don't have a
write cache. It seems this approach would give you a blazing fast slog, as
well as a redundant boot mirror without having to waste an additional two
SATA slots.

If anybody would like to donate an x4540 to a budget stricken California
State University I'd be happy to test it out and report back ;). Given we
just found out today that the entire summer quarter schedule of classes has
been canceled due to budget cuts :(, I don't see new hardware in our future
anytime soon <sigh>...

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768
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