On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Rich Morris wrote:

The fix for this problem may be more feedback between the ARC and the zfetch code. Or it may make sense to restart the prefetch stream after some time has passed or perhaps whenever there's a miss on a block that was expected to have already been prefetched?

Regarding this approach of waiting for a prefetch miss, this seems like it would produce an uneven flow of data to the application and not ensure that data is always available when the application goes to read it. A stutter is likely to produce at least a 10ms gap (and possibly far greater) while the application is blocked in read() waiting for data. Since zfs blocks are large, stuttering becomes expensive, and if the application itself needs to read ahead 128K in order to avoid the stutter, then it consumes memory in an expensive non-sharable way. In the ideal case, zfs will always stay one 128K block ahead of the application's requirement and the unconsumed data will be cached in the ARC where it can be shared with other processes.

For an application with real-time data requirements, it is definitely desireable not to stutter at all if possible.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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