Hi Steffen,

Go with a mirrored root pool is my advice with all the disk space in s0
on each disk. Simple is best and redundant simple is even better.

I'm no write cache expert, but a few simple tests on Solaris 10 5/09,
show me that the write cache is enabled on a disk that is labeled with
an SMI label and slice when the pool is created, if the whole disk's capacity is in slice 0, for example. However, its not enabled on my
s10u7 root pool slice, all disk space is in slice 0, but it is enabled
on my upcoming Solaris 10 root pool disk. Don't know what's up with

If performance is a goal then go with two pools anyway so that you have
more flexibility in configuring a mirrored or RAID-Z config for the data pool or adding log devices (if that helps their workload) and also provides more flexibility in management of ZFS BEs vs ZFS data in zones, and so on.

With a root pool, you currently constrained by no RAID-Z, can't add add'l mirrored VDEVs, no log devices, can't be exported to another
system, and so on.

The ZFS BP wiki provides more performance-related tips:



On 08/05/09 15:07, Steffen Weiberle wrote:
For Solaris 10 5/09...

There are supposed to be performance improvements if you create a zpool on a full disk, such as one with an EFI label. Does the same apply if the full disk is used with an SMI label, which is required to boot?

I am trying to determine the trade-off, if any, of having a single rpool on cXtYd0s2, if I can even do that, and improved performance compared to having two pools, a root pool and a separate data pool, for improved manageability and isolation. The data pool will have zone root paths on it. Customer has stated they are experiencing some performance limits in their application due to the disk, and if creating a single pool will help by enabling the write cache, that may be of value.

If the *current* answer is no to having ZFS turn on the write cache at this time, is it something that is coming in OpenSolaris or an update to S10?

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