On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 5:52 PM, Ross Walker <rswwal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Aug 21, 2009, at 6:34 PM, Tim Cook <t...@cook.ms> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 5:26 PM, Ross Walker < <rswwal...@gmail.com>
> rswwal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Aug 21, 2009, at 5:46 PM, Ron Mexico < <no-re...@opensolaris.org>
>> no-re...@opensolaris.org> wrote:
>>  I'm in the process of setting up a NAS for my company. It's going to be
>>> based on Open Solaris and ZFS, running on a Dell R710 with two SAS 5/E HBAs.
>>> Each HBA will be connected to a 24 bay Supermicro JBOD chassis. Each chassis
>>> will have 12 drives to start out with, giving us room for expansion as
>>> needed.
>>> Ideally, I'd like to have a mirror of a raidz2 setup, but from the
>>> documentation I've read, it looks like I can't do that, and that a stripe of
>>> mirrors is the only way to accomplish this.
>> Why?
> Because some people are paranoid.
> If that is the case how about a separate zpool of large SATA disks and
> either snapshot and send/recv to it, or use AVT to replicate to it.

That adds a window of opportunity for failure.  Potentially quite a large

>> It uses as many drives as a RAID10, but you loose 1 more drive of usable
>> space then RAID10 and you get less then half the performance.
> And far more protection.
> It's not worth the cost, the complexity is so high that it itself will be a
> point of failure and performance is too low for it to be any use.
The complexity?  There should be no complexity involved in a mirrored
raid-z/z2 pool.

>> You might be thinking of a RAID50 which would be multiple raidz vdevs in a
>> zpool, or striped RAID5s.
>> If not then stick with multiple mirror vdevs in a zpool (RAID10).
>> -Ross
> Raid10 won't provide as much protection.  Raidz21, you can lose any 4
> drives, and up to 14 if it's the right 14.  Raid10, if you lose the wrong
> two drives, you're done.
> Setup a side raidz2 zpool of SATA disks, snap the RAID10 and zsend it to
> the other pool. In the event of catastrophy you can run off the raidz2 pool
> temporarily until the mirror pool is fixed (and it would still perform
> better then the mirrored raidz2 setup!).
Snapshots are not a substitute for raid. That's a completely different
protection mechanism.  If he wants another copy of the data, I'm sure he'll
setup a second server and do zfs send/receives.
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