
I hope someone can help or at least point me in the right direction with a 
problem I am having.

I have a 4 disk ZFS stripe set. It was supposed to be RAIDZ but I messed up and 
have only just noticed.
One of the disks has developed a read error so I have stuck a new drive in and 

zpool replace data c3t1d0 c3t5d0

This all ran fine for a couple of hours until the resilver hit 82%. dmesg now 
shows 4 errors occuring on the drive which are all listed as Retryable.
It now appears that the resilver has stalled. Running zpool status gets as far 
as scrub: resilver in progress but stops before showing the disks in the pool. 
The zpool status process is now unkillable.

If it makes any difference the machine is a Supermicro with an 8 port SATA card 
using the Marvel chip which I think is used in some of the Sun machines. 

Is there anything I can do to tell the system to just carry on with the next 

Obviously I expect to loose some files here where the bad blocks are. What I 
was expecting though was that the resilver would carry on copying everything 
possible onto the new drive. Not just lock up dead!

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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