I encountered a strange libzfs behavior while testing a zone fix and want to make sure that I found a genuine bug. I'm creating zones whose zonepaths reside in ZFS datasets (i.e., the parent directories of the zones' zonepaths are ZFS datasets). In this scenario, zoneadm(1M) attempts to create ZFS datasets for zonepaths. zoneadm(1M) has done this for a long time (since zones started working on ZFS?) and worked fine until recently. Now I'm seeing zoneadm(1M) fail to create ZFS datasets for new zones while running sparc bits from the daily.1110 ONNV nightly build:

root krb-v210-4 [20:05:57 0]# zoneadm list -cv
ID NAME STATUS PATH BRAND IP 0 global running / native shared - godel installed /export/godel native shared - turing configured /export/turing native shared

root krb-v210-4 [20:05:58 0]# zonecfg -z turing info
zonename: turing
zonepath: /export/turing
brand: native
autoboot: false
ip-type: shared
hostid: 900d833f
        dir: /lib
        dir: /platform
        dir: /sbin
        dir: /usr

root krb-v210-4 [20:06:07 0]# zfs list
rpool               17.2G  16.0G    66K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT          8.51G  16.0G    21K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/snv_126  8.51G  16.0G  8.51G  /
rpool/dump          4.00G  16.0G  4.00G  -
rpool/export         688M  16.0G   688M  /export
rpool/export/home     21K  16.0G    21K  /export/home
rpool/swap             4G  20.0G  5.60M  -
zonepool            9.28M  33.2G    28K  /zonepool
zonepool/zones        21K  33.2G    21K  /zonepool/zones

root krb-v210-4 [20:06:11 0]# uname -a
SunOS krb-v210-4 5.11 onnv-gate:2009-11-10 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V210

root krb-v210-4 [20:06:30 0]# zpool list
rpool     33.8G  13.2G  20.6G    39%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
zonepool  33.8G  9.43M  33.7G     0%  1.00x  ONLINE  -

root krb-v210-4 [20:06:46 0]# zpool get all rpool
NAME   PROPERTY       VALUE               SOURCE
rpool  size           33.8G               -
rpool  capacity       39%                 -
rpool  altroot        -                   default
rpool  health         ONLINE              -
rpool  guid           12880404862636496284  local
rpool  version        19                  local
rpool  bootfs         rpool/ROOT/snv_126  local
rpool  delegation     on                  default
rpool  autoreplace    off                 default
rpool  cachefile      -                   default
rpool  failmode       continue            local
rpool  listsnapshots  off                 default
rpool  autoexpand     off                 default
rpool  dedupratio     1.00x               -
rpool  free           20.6G               -
rpool  allocated      13.2G               -

root krb-v210-4 [20:06:51 0]# zfs get all rpool/export
NAME          PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
rpool/export  type                  filesystem             -
rpool/export  creation              Sun Oct 25 19:43 2009  -
rpool/export  used                  688M                   -
rpool/export  available             16.0G                  -
rpool/export  referenced            688M                   -
rpool/export  compressratio         1.00x                  -
rpool/export  mounted               yes                    -
rpool/export  quota                 none                   default
rpool/export  reservation           none                   default
rpool/export  recordsize            128K                   default
rpool/export  mountpoint            /export                local
rpool/export  sharenfs              off                    default
rpool/export  checksum              on                     default
rpool/export  compression           off                    default
rpool/export  atime                 on                     default
rpool/export  devices               on                     default
rpool/export  exec                  on                     default
rpool/export  setuid                on                     default
rpool/export  readonly              off                    default
rpool/export  zoned                 off                    default
rpool/export  snapdir               hidden                 default
rpool/export  aclmode               groupmask              default
rpool/export  aclinherit            restricted             default
rpool/export  canmount              on                     default
rpool/export  shareiscsi            off                    default
rpool/export  xattr                 on                     default
rpool/export  copies                1                      default
rpool/export  version               4                      -
rpool/export  utf8only              off                    -
rpool/export  normalization         none                   -
rpool/export  casesensitivity       sensitive              -
rpool/export  vscan                 off                    default
rpool/export  nbmand                off                    default
rpool/export  sharesmb              off                    default
rpool/export  refquota              none                   default
rpool/export  refreservation        none                   default
rpool/export  primarycache          all                    default
rpool/export  secondarycache        all                    default
rpool/export  usedbysnapshots       0                      -
rpool/export  usedbydataset         688M                   -
rpool/export  usedbychildren        21K                    -
rpool/export  usedbyrefreservation  0                      -
rpool/export  logbias               latency                default
rpool/export  dedup                 off                    default
rpool/export  mlslabel              none                   default

The above information looks normal to me. If I try to install the zone named "turing," then I get the following:

root krb-v210-4 [20:07:22 0]# zoneadm -z turing install
cannot create ZFS dataset rpool/export/turing: Unknown error
Preparing to install zone <turing>.
Creating list of files to copy from the global zone.

The install continues and succeeds, but no ZFS dataset was created. I traced the error message in the latest ON source and located it in create_zfs_zonepath() in usr/src/cmd/zoneadm/zfs.c:

        if (zfs_create(g_zfs, zfs_name, ZFS_TYPE_FILESYSTEM, props) != 0 ||
            (zhp = zfs_open(g_zfs, zfs_name, ZFS_TYPE_DATASET)) == NULL) {
                (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("cannot create ZFS dataset %s: "
                    "%s\n"), zfs_name, libzfs_error_description(g_zfs));

zfs_open() can't be at fault because zoneadm(1M) is single-threaded, zoneadm(1M) doesn't destroy the new dataset if it successfully creates it, and the dataset never appears in the output of `zfs list` during installation. I also stepped through zoneadm(1M)'s execution of create_zfs_zonepath() and observed that zfs_create() returns -1 (i.e., it fails):

root krb-v210-4 [20:27:25 1]# stoppedproc zoneadm -z turing install

root krb-v210-4 [20:27:32 0]# mdb -p `pgrep zoneadm`
Loading modules: [ ld.so.1 libc.so.1 ]
> create_zfs_zonepath::bp
> :c
mdb: stop at create_zfs_zonepath
mdb: target stopped at:
create_zfs_zonepath:    save      %sp, -0x468, %sp
mdb: You've got symbols!
Loading modules: [ libumem.so.1 libtopo.so.1 libavl.so.1 ]
> create_zfs_zonepath+0xd8::dis -n 3
create_zfs_zonepath+0xcc:       ld        [%fp - 0x4], %o3
create_zfs_zonepath+0xd0:       mov       %i5, %o1
create_zfs_zonepath+0xd4:       ld        [%l2 + 0xb8], %o0
create_zfs_zonepath+0xd8:       call      +0x165d8      <PLT:zfs_create>
create_zfs_zonepath+0xdc:       mov       0x1, %o2
create_zfs_zonepath+0xe0:       tst       %o0
bne,pn    %icc, +0x104  <create_zfs_zonepath+0x1e8>
> create_zfs_zonepath+0xd8::bp
> :c
mdb: stop at create_zfs_zonepath+0xd8
mdb: target stopped at:
create_zfs_zonepath+0xd8:       call      +0x165d8      <PLT:zfs_create>
mdb: You've got symbols!
Loading modules: [ libuutil.so.1 libnvpair.so.1 ]
> ::regs
%g0 = 0x0000000000000000                 %l0 = 0x00025400
%g1 = 0x0000000000067740                 %l1 = 0x00000000
%g2 = 0x0000000000000000                 %l2 = 0x00037c00 zoneadm`_iob+0x88
%g3 = 0x0000000000000000                 %l3 = 0x00000000
%g4 = 0xfffffffffffffc14                 %l4 = 0x00000000
%g5 = 0x0000000000067718                 %l5 = 0x00000000
%g6 = 0x0000000000000000                 %l6 = 0x00000000
%g7 = 0x00000000ff1f2a00                 %l7 = 0x00000000
%o0 = 0x0000000000038b20                 %i0 = 0xffbff830
%o1 = 0x00000000ffbfeb34                 %i1 = 0x00000001
%o2 = 0x0000000000000000                 %i2 = 0x00052c30
%o3 = 0x000000000005af78                 %i3 = 0x000254ac
%o4 = 0x0000000000025478                 %i4 = 0x00000000
%o5 = 0x00000000feb87a3c                 %i5 = 0xffbfeb34
%o6 = 0x00000000ffbfead0                 %i6 = 0xffbfef38
%o7 = 0x0000000000020474 create_zfs_zonepath+0x80 %i7 = 0x0001a224

 %psr = 0xfe401001 impl=0xf ver=0xe icc=nZvc
                   ec=0 ef=4096 pil=0 s=0 ps=0 et=0 cwp=0x1
   %y = 0x00000000
  %pc = 0x000204cc create_zfs_zonepath+0xd8
 %npc = 0x000204d0 create_zfs_zonepath+0xdc
  %sp = 0xffbfead0
  %fp = 0xffbfef38

 %wim = 0x00000000
 %tbr = 0x00000000
> 0x00000000ffbfeb34/S
0xffbfeb34:     rpool/export/turing
> 0x000000000005af78::nvlist
> create_zfs_zonepath+0xe0::bp
> :c
mdb: stop at create_zfs_zonepath+0xe0
mdb: target stopped at:
create_zfs_zonepath+0xe0:       tst       %o0
> ::regs !fgrep %o0
%o0 = 0xffffffffffffffff                 %i0 = 0xffbff830

Clearly, zfs_create() is failing even though its parameters are fine. No one has changed anything about zonepath ZFS dataset creation in zoneadm(1M) in a long time.

I also discovered that although creating ZFS datasets with zfs(1M) works, creating ZFS datasets with user-specified properties via zfs(1M) fails:

root krb-v210-4 [23:06:06 0]# zfs list
rpool               17.2G  16.0G    66K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT          8.52G  16.0G    21K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/snv_126  8.52G  16.0G  8.52G  /
rpool/dump          4.00G  16.0G  4.00G  -
rpool/export         688M  16.0G   688M  /export
rpool/export/home     21K  16.0G    21K  /export/home
rpool/swap             4G  20.0G  5.60M  -
zonepool             139K  33.2G    28K  /zonepool
zonepool/zones        21K  33.2G    21K  /zonepool/zones

root krb-v210-4 [23:06:07 0]# zfs create rpool/export/test

root krb-v210-4 [23:06:17 0]# zfs list
rpool               17.2G  16.0G    66K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT          8.52G  16.0G    21K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/snv_126  8.52G  16.0G  8.52G  /
rpool/dump          4.00G  16.0G  4.00G  -
rpool/export         688M  16.0G   688M  /export
rpool/export/home     21K  16.0G    21K  /export/home
rpool/export/test     21K  16.0G    21K  /export/test
rpool/swap             4G  20.0G  5.60M  -
zonepool             139K  33.2G    28K  /zonepool
zonepool/zones        21K  33.2G    21K  /zonepool/zones

root krb-v210-4 [23:06:24 0]# zfs create -o sharenfs=off rpool/export/test2
internal error: Unknown error
zsh: IOT instruction (core dumped) zfs create -o sharenfs=off rpool/export/test2

root krb-v210-4 [23:06:39 134]# zfs create -o sharenfs=on rpool/export/test2
internal error: Unknown error
zsh: IOT instruction (core dumped) zfs create -o sharenfs=on rpool/export/test2

root krb-v210-4 [23:06:47 134]# zfs create -o mountpoint=/mnt rpool/export/test2
internal error: Unknown error
zsh: IOT instruction (core dumped) zfs create -o mountpoint=/mnt rpool/export/test2

Notice that the case in which sharenfs is set to off does exactly the same thing as zoneadm(1M): It attempts to create a dataset with sharenfs=off. If this is a genuine bug, then it will be a serious issue for OpenSolaris zones (which require ZFS-backed zonepaths) and ZFS dataset creation in general.

NOTE: I'm only seeing this aberrant behavior on sparc (both sun4u and sun4v). I haven't observed it on x86 (though I haven't tested it on 32-bit x86).

Here's output that I gathered from a sun4v machine:

root t5120-sfb-01 [23:00:49 134]# uname -a
SunOS t5120-sfb-01 5.11 onnv-gate:2009-11-10 sun4v sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T

root t5120-sfb-01 [23:04:43 0]# zfs list
rpool               40.2G  93.7G    66K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT          8.43G  93.7G    21K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/snv_126  8.43G  93.7G  8.43G  /
rpool/dump          15.9G  93.7G  15.9G  -
rpool/export          44K  93.7G    23K  /export
rpool/export/home     21K  93.7G    21K  /export/home
rpool/swap          15.9G   110G  4.59M  -

root t5120-sfb-01 [23:04:46 0]# zfs create rpool/export/test

root t5120-sfb-01 [23:04:56 0]# zfs list
rpool               40.2G  93.7G    66K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT          8.43G  93.7G    21K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/snv_126  8.43G  93.7G  8.43G  /
rpool/dump          15.9G  93.7G  15.9G  -
rpool/export          65K  93.7G    23K  /export
rpool/export/home     21K  93.7G    21K  /export/home
rpool/export/test     21K  93.7G    21K  /export/test
rpool/swap          15.9G   110G  4.59M  -

root t5120-sfb-01 [23:04:59 0]# zfs create -o sharenfs=off rpool/export/test2
internal error: Unknown error
zsh: IOT instruction (core dumped) zfs create -o sharenfs=off rpool/export/test2

root t5120-sfb-01 [23:05:16 134]# zfs list
rpool               40.2G  93.7G    66K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT          8.43G  93.7G    21K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/snv_126  8.43G  93.7G  8.43G  /
rpool/dump          15.9G  93.7G  15.9G  -
rpool/export          66K  93.7G    24K  /export
rpool/export/home     21K  93.7G    21K  /export/home
rpool/export/test     21K  93.7G    21K  /export/test
rpool/swap          15.9G   110G  4.59M  -

root t5120-sfb-01 [23:05:26 0]# zfs create -o mountpoint=/mnt rpool/export/test2
internal error: Unknown error
zsh: IOT instruction (core dumped) zfs create -o mountpoint=/mnt rpool/export/test2

I'd appreciate any advice you might have regarding this problem.

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