On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Chris Scerbo
<csce...@techsolutionsinc.com> wrote:
> Cool thx, sounds like exactly what I'm looking for.
> I did a bit of reading on the subject and to my understanding I should...
> Create a volume of a size as large as I could possibly need.  So, siding on 
> the optimistic, "zfs create -s -V 4000G tank/iscsi1".  Then in Windows 
> initialize and quick format it and Windows will think it is 4000G.  Obviously 
> I would do a quick format not a full or it would write 4000G worth of zeros 
> or die trying.  Although with Dedup I would presume it should be able to do 
> that.  Is that a good procedure or is there a better way?
> Anyway, my next question is what happens when it fills up?  Also what happens 
> when deleted files on the NTFS partition add up to consume all the available 
> space.

Run "sdelete -c X:"  where X: is your drive. That should take care of
you deleted, but still occupied blocks.

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