On Sun, 27 Dec 2009, Hillel Lubman wrote:

May be this question was already asked here, so I'm sorry for redundancy.

What is a minimal amount of hard drives for enabling RAID-Z on OpenSolaris? Is it possible to have only 4 identical hard drives, and to install a whole system on them with software RAID-Z underneath? Or enabling RAID-Z is possible only on some additional 4 disks to the one from which the system boots?

You can use as little as three drives for raidz but OpenSolaris can only boot from a single drive, or a mirror pair. It can't boot from raidz. This means that you need to dedicate one or two drives (or partitions) for the root pool. If you don't mind losing some performance, you could use partitioning to put a 30GB partition on the first two drives, use that for a mirrored bootable root pool, and then use the remainder for a different pool with two "hog" partitions (from first two disks) plus two drives in one raidz vdev. This allows you to use raidz across all four drives, but losing 30GB from each drive, and using partitioning on the first two drives.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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