On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 7:40 AM, Thomas Burgess <wonsl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm moving from FreeBSD to OpenSolaris in the next week or so (when the
> rest of my upgrade purchase arrives)
> One thing i'm curious about is whether or not ZFS cares about changing
> device names.
> In FreeBSD I always used glabel to prevent this issue.  Does solaris have
> something similar?  Is it even an issue (so many things in ZFS aren't...it's
> an amazingly robust solution)
> please forgive my solaris ignorance.  I've been using FreeBSD for a few
> years, and linux for a few years more but solaris is very new to me and
> quite different in a lot of ways.

Nope, on import it will scan all the disks for ZFS pools.  It doesn't care
about the physical device names changing.

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