I'm thinking that the issue is simply with zfs destroy, not with dedup or 

Yesterday I decided to do some iscsi testing, I created a new dataset in my 
pool, 1TB. I did not use compression or dedup.

After copying about 700GB of data from my windows box (NTFS on top of the iscsi 
disk), I decided I didn't want to use it, so I attempted to delete the dataset.

Once again, the command froze. I removed the zfs cache file and am now trying 
to import my pool... again. This time, the memory fills up QUICKLY, I hit 8GB 
used in about an hour, then the box completely freezes.

iostat shows each of my disks being read at about 10 megs/S up until the freeze.

It does not matter if I limit l2arc size in /etc/system, the behavior is the 
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