
I'm trying to import a raidz zpool on my server but keep getting:

cannot import 'zedpool': one or more devices is currently unavailable

even though all disks are showing as ONLINE as below

fr...@vault:~# zpool import
  pool: zedpool
    id: 10232199590840258590
 state: ONLINE
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.

        zedpool        ONLINE
          raidz1       ONLINE
            c4d0       ONLINE
            c5d0       ONLINE
            c6d0       ONLINE
            c7d0       ONLINE
        zedpool        ONLINE
          mirror       ONLINE
            c12t0d0p0  ONLINE
            c10t0d0p0  ONLINE

fr...@vault:~# zpool import zedpool
cannot import 'zedpool': one or more devices is currently unavailable

Forcing it has the same result.

fr...@vault:~# zpool import -f zedpool
cannot import 'zedpool': one or more devices is currently unavailable

All the disks are definitely there:
fr...@vault:~# format
Searching for disks...done

       0. c3d0 <DEFAULT cyl 14590 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>
       1. c4d0 <ST315003-         9VS09V4-0001-1.36TB>
       2. c5d0 <ST315003-         9VS0LV3-0001-1.36TB>
       3. c6d0 <ST315003-         9VS21EG-0001-1.36TB>
       4. c7d0 <ST315003-         9VS21D0-0001-1.36TB>

fr...@vault:~# rmformat
Looking for devices...
     1. Logical Node: /dev/rdsk/c10t0d0p0
        Physical Node: 
        Connected Device: SHINTARO EXTREME          0.00
        Device Type: Removable
        Bus: USB
        Size: 4.0 GB
        Label: <Unknown>
        Access permissions: Medium is not write protected.
     2. Logical Node: /dev/rdsk/c12t0d0p0
        Physical Node: 
        Connected Device: Generic  USB Flash Disk   0.00
        Device Type: Removable
        Bus: USB
        Size: 4.0 GB
        Label: <Unknown>
        Access permissions: Medium is not write protected.

Can someone please help me work out what is going on?
I have searched the forums but can't find any posts where a pool won't import 
even though all disks are online. I've seen mention of the zdb command and 
using zdb -l /dev/dsk/<disk> or zdb -l /dev/rdsk/<disk> returns the same labels 
on all disks as well as pool details etc.
But other than that I am lost.

Thanks in advance,

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