On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 11:26:33AM -0800, Richard Elling wrote:
> Mathing aorund a bit, for a 300 GB L2ARC (apologies for the tab separation):
>       size (GB)       300             
>       size (sectors)  585937500               
>       labels (sectors)        9232            
>       available sectors       585928268               
>       bytes/L2ARC header      200             
>       recordsize (sectors)    recordsize (kBytes)     L2ARC capacity 
> (records)        Header size (MBytes)
>       1       0.5     585928268       111,760
>       2       1       292964134       55,880
>       4       2       146482067       27,940
>       8       4       73241033        13,970
>       16      8       36620516        6,980
>       32      16      18310258        3,490
>       64      32      9155129 1,750
>       128     64      4577564 870
>       256     128     2288782 440
> So, depending on the data, you need somewhere between 440 MBytes and  111 
> GBytes
> to hold the L2ARC headers. For a rule of thumb, somewhere between 0.15% and 
> 40%
> of the total used size. Ok, that rule really isn't very useful...

All that precision up-front for such a broad conclusion..  bummer :)

I'm interested in a better rule of thumb, for rough planning
purposes.  As previously noted, I'm especially interesed in the
combination with dedup, where DDT entries need to be cached.  What's
the recordsize for L2ARC-of-on-disk-DDT, and how does that bias the
overhead %age above?

I'm also interested in a more precise answer to a different question,
later on.  Lets say I already have an L2ARC, running and warm.  How do
I tell how much is being used?  Presumably, if it's not full, RAM 
to manage it is the constraint - how can I confirm that and how can I
tell how much RAM is currently used?

If I can observe these figures, I can tell if I'm wasting ssd space
that can't be used.  Either I can reallocate that space or know that
adding RAM will have an even bigger benefit (increasing both primary
and secondary cache sizes).  Maybe I can even decide that L2ARC is not
worth it for this box (especially if it can't fit any more RAM).

Finally, how smart is L2ARC at optimising this usage? If it's under
memory pressure, does it prefer to throw out smaller records in favour
of larger more efficient ones? 

My current rule of thumb for all this, absent better information, is
that you should just have gobs of RAM (no surprise there) but that if
you can't, then dedup seems to be most worthwhile when the pool itself
is on ssd, no l2arc. Say, a laptop.  Here, you care most about saving
space and the IO overhead costs least.

We need some thumbs in between these extremes.  :-(


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