Hi Casper,

> :-)

Leuk te zien dat je straal nog steeds even ver komt :-)

>I'm happy to see that it is now the default and I hope this will cause the
>Linux NFS client implementation to be faster for conforming NFS servers.

Interesting thing is that apparently defaults on Solaris an Linux are chosen 
such that one can't signal the desired behaviour to the other. At least we 
didn't manage to get a Linux client to asynchronously mount a Solaris (ZFS 
backed) NFS export...

Anyway we seem to be getting of topic here :-)

The thread was started to get insight in behaviour of the F20 as ZIL. _My_ 
particular interest would be to be able to answer why perfomance doesn't seem 
to scale up when adding vmod-s... 

With kind regards,

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