I have a similar problem that differs in a subtle way. I moved a zpool (single 
disk) from one system to another. Due to my inexperience I did not import the 
zpool but (doh!) 'zpool create'-ed it (I may also have used a -f somewhere in 

Interestingly the script still gives me the old uberblocks but in this case the 
first couple (lowest TXG's) are actually younger (later timestamp) than the 
higher TXG ones. Obviously removing the highest TXG's will actually remove the 
uberblocks I want to keep. 

Is there a way to copy an uberblock over another one? Or could I perhaps remove 
the low-TXG uberblocks instead of the high-TXG ones (and would that mean the 
old pool becomes available again). Or are more things missing than just the 
uberblocks and should I move to a file-based approach (on ZFS?)

Regards, Fred
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