AFAIK, if you want to restore a snapshot version of a file or directory, you
need to use "cp" or such commands, to copy the snapshot version into the
present.  This is not done in-place, meaning, the "cp" or whatever tool must
read the old version of objects and write new copies of the objects.  You
may avoid the new disk space consumption if you have dedup enabled, but you
will not avoid the performance hit of requiring the complete read & write of
all the bytes of all the objects.  Performance is nothing like a simple
re-link of the snapshot restored object, and the newly restored objects are
not guaranteed identical to the old version - because "cp" or whatever could
be changing permissions and timestamps and stuff, according to the behavior
of "cp" or whatever tool is being used. 

So the suggestion, or question is:  Is it possible or planned to implement a
rollback command, that works as fast as a link or re-link operation,
implemented at a file or directory level, instead of the entire filesystem?

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