> From: Peter Jeremy [mailto:peter.jer...@alcatel-lucent.com]
> Whilst it's trivially easy to get from the file to the list of
> directories containing that file, actually getting from one directory
> to its parent is less so: A directory containing N sub-directories has
> N+2 links.  Whilst the '.' link is easy to identify (it points to its
> own inode), distinguishing between the name of this directory in its
> parent and the '..' entries in its subdirectories is rather messy

Oh.  Duh.
This should have been obvious from the moment you said '..'

Given:  There is exactly one absolute path to every directory.  You cannot
hardlink subdirectories into multiple parent locations.  You can only
hardlink files.  Every directory has exactly one parent, and the parent
inode number is already stored in every directory inode.

Given:  There is already the '..' entry in every directory.  Which means it
is already trivially easy to identify the absolute path of any directory,
given that you know its inode number, and you have some method to open an
arbitrary inode by number.  Which implies it can only be implemented in
kernel, or perhaps by root.  (A regular user cannot open an inode by number,
due to security reasons, the parent directories may block permission for a
regular user to open that inode.)  But the fact remains:  No change to
filesystem or inode structure is necessary, in order to quickly identify the
absolute path of an arbitrary directory, when your initial knowledge is only
the inode number of the directory.

Therefore, it should be very easy to implement proof of concept, by writing
a setuid root C program, similar to "sudo" which could then become root,
identify the absolute path of a directory by its inode number, and then
print that absolute path, only if the real UID has permission to "ls" that

Fundamentally, the only difficulty is to extend inodes of files, to include
a list of parent inode directories.  And, how to make all this information
available over NFS and CIFS.

While not trivial, it's certainly possible to extend inodes of files, to
include parent pointers.

Also not trivial, it's certainly possible to make all this information
available under proposed directories, ".zfs/inodes" or something similar.
(Again, considering that the ".zfs/inodes" directory would be sufficient for
NFS, but some more information would be necessary to support CIFS, because
CIFS, as far as I know, has no knowledge of inode numbers, and therefore
cannot even begin to look for an inode under the .zfs/inodes directory.)

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