On Fri, May 7, 2010 04:32, Darren J Moffat wrote:

> Remember also that unless you are very CPU bound you might actually
> improve performance from enabling compression.  This isn't new to ZFS,
> people (my self included) used to do this back in MS-DOS days with
> Stacker and Doublespace.

CPU has been "cheaper" in many circumstances than I/O for quite a while.
Gray and Putzolu formulated the "five-minute rule" back in 1987:

> The 5-minute random rule: cache randomly accessed disk pages that are
> re-used every 5 minutes.


They re-visited it in 1997 and 2007, and it still holds:

> The 20-year-old five-minute rule for RAM and disks still holds, but for
> ever-larger disk pages. Moreover, it should be augmented by two new
> five-minute rules: one for small pages moving between RAM and flash
> memory and one for large pages moving between flash memory and
> traditional disks.


Avoiding (disk) I/O has been desirable for quite a while now. Someone in
comp.arch (Terje Mathisen?) used to have the following in his signature: 
"almost all programming can be viewed as an exercise in caching."

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