On Sat, May  8 at 23:39, Ben Rockwood wrote:
The drive (c7t2d0)is bad and should be replaced.   The second drive
(c7t5d0) is either bad or going bad.  This is exactly the kind of
problem that can force a Thumper to it knees, ZFS performance is
horrific, and as soon as you drop the bad disks things magicly return to

Problem is the OP is mixing client 4k drives with 512b drives.  They
may not actually be bad, but they appear to be getting "misused" in
this application.

I doubt they're "broken" per say, they're just dramatically slower
than their peers in this workload.

As a replacement recommendation, we've been beating on the WD 1TB RE3
drives for 18 months or so, and we're happy with both performance and
the price for what we get.  $160/ea with a 5 year warranty.


Eric D. Mudama

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