So I think you're right. With the "ATA" option, I can see the pci-ide driver.

However, there is no AHCI option; the only other two are "off" (obviously 
useless) and "RAID". The "RAID" option gives control over to the RAID 
controller on the motherboard. However, there is nothing I can do in terms of 
formatting the disks, initializing in various ways, that works at all. That is, 
when I boot back into EON, I can run "format" and don't see anything. It just 

Searching for disks...done
No disks found!

Any ideas? Maybe I should just buy a SATA controller which is known to work 
with OpenSolaris?

The good part is that I can go back to ATA mode and my data is still there, so 
at least nothing has been lost yet. I don't these motherboard RAID controllers, 
because if something goes wrong, you have to have the same model controller. It 
also means you can't easily move drives. So I want to avoid the RAID, if there 
is something that requires the drive to be attached to that 

Or is there another way?
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